in The Southern Plains of Karana by Brother Drash (14048)
in East Commonlands by Rinna Lightshadow (22090)
in Innothule Swamp by Zepin Winsle (46043)
in Kithicor Forest by Eithne Walker (20084)
Clomen Walker (20089)
in North Qeynos by a Koalindl (2005)
Koalindl (2151)
Guard Hewet (2007)
Guard Liben (2122)
Guard Rashik (2008)
Guard Ginton (2009)
Guard Aerryn (2121)
Guard Wefnin (2012)
Guard Drath (2013)
Guard Vaskif (2115)
Guard Buce (2016)
Guard Imkar (2113)
Guard Erabb (2120)
Lashun Novashine (2032)
Enic Ruklin (2039)
Vegalys Keldrane (2051)
Guard Weleth (2079)
Guard Elron (2080)
Nomsoe Jusagta (2088)
Guard Gehnus (2093)
Guard Hezlan (2094)
Guard Obyn (2106)
in Northern Desert of Ro by Tira Sandfisher (34055)
in South Qeynos by Guard Dunix (1181)
Meera Lylon (1004)
an investigator (1031)
Vicus Nonad (1047)
Endric (1080)
Lieutenant Arathur (1085)
Guard Beren (1090)
Guard Corshin (1091)
Ghul Rustem (1146)
Guard Wenbie (1147)
Guard Relam (1148)
Guard Calik (1149)
Guard Lasen (1150)
Guard Kwint (1151)
Guard Naret (1152)
Guard Forbly (1174)
Guard Phaeton (1189)
Guard Urius (1200)
in The Echo Caverns by Priestess Tarafol (153039)
in The Nektulos Forest by Missionary of Rodcet (25371)
Disciple of Rodcet (25374)
Initiate of Rodcet (25375)
in The Northern Plains of Karana by Guard Fredrick (13041)
Brother Nallin (13049)
Capt Linarius (13053)
Guard Oystin (13054)
Guard Westyn (13055)
Guard Stanard (13034)
Guard Bartley (13035)
in The Qeynos Aqueduct System by an exhausted guard (45046)
a sewer sentinel (45053)
an investigator (45093)
Vin Moltor (45111)
in The Qeynos Hills by Axe Broadsmith (4038)
Niclaus Ressinn (4060)
Guard Leopold (4061)
Guard Philbin (4062)
Guard Bixby (4063)
Guard Nash (4066)
Guard Cheslin (4004)
Guard Cheslin (4076)
Guard Cheslin (4081)
Guard Monroe (4068)
Guard Miles (4141)
Hefax Tinmar (4142)
Guard Kellot (4067)
Guard Chrighton (4180)
Hadden (4189)
in The Rathe Mountains by Marianna (50076)
in The Southern Plains of Karana by #Brother Hayle (14173)
in The Western Plains of Karana by Brother Estle (12043)
Brother Chintle (12144)
Lempeck Hargrin (12080)
Ollysa Bladefinder (12098)
Alysa (12099)
Innkeep Danin (12102)
Innkeep Rislarn (12103)
Guard Pryde (12110)
Guard Kilson (12111)
Guard Ason (12112)
Guard Justyn (12113)
Guard Gregor (12116)
Habastash Gikin (12124)
Grebin Sneztop (12130)
Kyle Rinlin (12159)
Tolony Marle (12162)
Quegin Hadder (12164)