in Dagnor's Cauldron by Elmion Hendrys (70005)
in East Freeport by Jyle Windshot (10008)
Jyle Windshot (10138)
Jyle Windshot (10175)
Tlin Bowfright (10186)
in Eastern Plains of Karana by Ganelorn Oast (15056)
in High Keep by Rodrick Marslett (6056)
in Ocean of Tears by Styria Fearnon (69008)
Larisa Gelrith (69014)
Ascania Halvbin (69015)
Tegea Prendyn (69017)
Euboea Delewyn (69022)
Antinime (69026)
Paeonia Purnn (69030)
Sister of Erollisi (69043)
Sister of Erollisi (69049)
Sister of Erollisi (69050)
Sister of Erollisi (69051)
Phocaea Hapspenn (69053)
Cleonae Kalen (69075)
Cleonae Kalen (69110)
in Steamfont Mountains by Legyn Sarawyn (56079)
in The Burning Wood by Telin Darkforest (87082)
in The Greater Faydark by Samatansyn Flamecaller (54071)
Cerila Windrider (54077)
Verth Mistwielder (54078)
Aleena Lightleaf (54079)
Maesyn Trueshot (54088)
Ran Sunfire (54108)
Dill Fireshine (54109)
Grynn (54105)
in The Rathe Mountains by Guard Dykalin (50214)
in West Freeport by Jyle Windshot (9008)
Pandos Flintside (9057)
in Butcherblock Mountains by an orc oracle (68055)
an orc scoutsman (68169)
an orc scoutsman (68200)
an orc scoutsman (68056)
an orc oracle (68168)
orc centurion (68190)
orc runner (68223)
orc pawn (68263)
in Crushbone by orc slaver (58016)
orc slaver (58029)
orc slaver (58039)
orc slaver (58053)
orc pawn (58001)
orc legionnaire (58008)
orc centurion (58015)
orc centurion (58000)
orc centurion (58004)
orc centurion (58003)
orc centurion (58005)
orc centurion (58006)
orc centurion (58009)
orc oracle (58024)
orc oracle (58037)
orc oracle (58038)
orc emissary (58025)
orc emissary (58027)
orc emissary (58041)
orc emissary (58055)
orc legionnaire (58026)
orc legionnaire (58036)
orc legionnaire (58045)
orc legionnaire (58054)
Lord Darish (58028)
royal guard (58030)
The Prophet (58031)
Emperor Crush (58032)
The Fabled Emperor Crush (58057)
orc slaver (58011)
orc slaver (58012)
orc slaver (58033)
orc slaver (58034)
orc trainer (58035)
orc taskmaster (58040)
Orc Scoutsman (58042)
an orc thaumaturgist (58043)
Orc Warden (58047)
orc warlord (58002)
The Slavemaster (58061)
in Dagnor's Cauldron by an exiled legionnaire (70001)
an orc scout (70011)
an orc scout (70042)
an orc scout (70010)
in The Greater Faydark by orc oracle (54001)
orc centurion (54003)
orc pawn (54015)
orc centurion (54016)
orc centurion (54037)
orc centurion (54190)
orc centurion (54004)
orc centurion (54008)
orc oracle (54019)
orc centurion (54188)
an orc arsonist (54039)
Gurleg Bribgok (54040)
orc centurion (54027)
orc oracle (54185)
orc centurion (54187)
orc shaman (54194)
orc shaman (54200)
orc hatchetman (54193)
orc shaman (54195)
Centurion Relgle (54198)
in The Lesser Faydark by orc centurion (57003)
orc legionnaire (57136)
orc centurion (57001)
orc centurion (57015)
orc centurion (57020)
orc centurion (57004)
orc oracle (57040)
orc oracle (57090)
orc chief (57041)
orc chief (57085)
orc centurion (57056)
in The Nektulos Forest by orc runner (25438)
in West Commonlands by orc oracle (21096)
orc weaponsmith (21155)