in South Qeynos by an investigator (1031)
Vicus Nonad (1047)
in The Qeynos Aqueduct System by an investigator (45093)
in Halas by Thadres Thyme (29013)
in Highpass Hold by Dyllin Starsine (5015)
in Highpass Hold by Dyllin Starsine (407018)
in North Qeynos by Guard Treitan (2110)
Guard Shorm (2112)
Guard Deregan (2117)
Lieutenant Dagarok (2020)
Renux Herkanor (2033)
Nax Ghruna (2061)
Crow (2063)
Knargon Lanenda (2072)
Pelshia Thuxpire (2073)
Hanns Krieghor (2074)
Ghil Starn (2084)
Flynn Merrington (2091)
Guard Furithane (2116)
Guard Simkin (2114)
in South Qeynos by Guard Mezzt (1001)
Guard Cyrillian (1006)
Trumpy Irontoe (1042)
Klieb Torne (1071)
Micc Koter (1072)
Raz The Rat Misk (1089)
Den Magason (1153)
Lomarc (1190)
Guard Augos (1306)
Guard Quedal (1309)
Guard Jerith (1002)
Guard Perin (1308)
Guard Oleph (1307)
Guard Tyrak (1310)
in The Northern Plains of Karana by Guard Shilster (13021)
in The Qeynos Aqueduct System by Neab (45084)
Timvu (45112)
Riggin Vix (45085)
Omorb (45117)
in The Qeynos Hills by Guard Beris (4053)
in The Surefall Glade by a poacher (3044)
Poacher (3045)
in The Western Plains of Karana by Guard Donlan (12089)
Guard Donlan (12147)
Guard McCluskey (12090)