in Butcherblock Mountains by an orc oracle (68055)
an orc scoutsman (68169)
an orc scoutsman (68200)
an orc scoutsman (68056)
an orc oracle (68168)
orc centurion (68190)
orc runner (68223)
orc pawn (68263)
in Crushbone by orc slaver (58016)
orc slaver (58029)
orc slaver (58039)
orc slaver (58053)
orc pawn (58001)
orc legionnaire (58008)
orc centurion (58015)
orc centurion (58000)
orc centurion (58004)
orc centurion (58003)
orc centurion (58005)
orc centurion (58006)
orc centurion (58009)
orc oracle (58024)
orc oracle (58037)
orc oracle (58038)
orc emissary (58025)
orc emissary (58027)
orc emissary (58041)
orc emissary (58055)
orc legionnaire (58026)
orc legionnaire (58036)
orc legionnaire (58045)
orc legionnaire (58054)
Lord Darish (58028)
royal guard (58030)
The Prophet (58031)
Emperor Crush (58032)
The Fabled Emperor Crush (58057)
orc slaver (58011)
orc slaver (58012)
orc slaver (58033)
orc slaver (58034)
orc trainer (58035)
orc taskmaster (58040)
Orc Scoutsman (58042)
an orc thaumaturgist (58043)
Orc Warden (58047)
orc warlord (58002)
The Fabled Ambassador Dvinn (58058)
Ambassador DVinn (58059)
The Slavemaster (58061)
in Dagnor's Cauldron by an exiled legionnaire (70001)
an orc scout (70011)
an orc scout (70042)
an orc scout (70010)
in Firiona Vie by Luminare Pasinia (84188)
in Lake Rathetear by a deepwater goblin (51013)
a deepwater goblin (51102)
Lord Bergurgle (51143)
a deepwater goblin (51014)
a goblin net master (51027)
a deepwater goblin (51104)
a deepwater goblin (51015)
an aqua goblin (51016)
an aqua goblin (51018)
an aqua goblin shaman (51017)
an aqua goblin (51031)
an aqua goblin (51050)
a deepwater goblin (51019)
a deepwater goblin (51021)
a deepwater goblin (51103)
tainted aquagoblin (51137)
#tainted aquagoblin (51151)
a deepwater goblin (51020)
a deepwater goblin (51108)
an aqua goblin (51034)
an aqua goblin shaman (51042)
Webclaw Murkwave (51142)
in Neriak - 3rd Gate by Guard Q`Tentu (42003)
Guard V`Lask (42094)
Guard D`Bious (42114)
Guard N`Mar (42004)
Guard K`Jartan (42095)
Guard L`Crit (42110)
Guard Quexill (42005)
Guard Tolax (42096)
Guard G`Noir (42111)
Guard J`Axx (42007)
Guard S`tai (42046)
Guard Din`a (42100)
in Neriak - Commons by Guard Dmizza (41102)
Narex T`Vem (41030)
Guard To`Biath (41031)
Guard N`Mar (41032)
Guard Q`Tentu (41033)
Guard F`Mazz (41097)
Guard L`Crit (41100)
Guard G`Noir (41101)
Guard W`Selo (41035)
Guard D`Bious (41103)
Guard D`Unnar (41036)
Guard J`Axx (41037)
Guard V`Resh (41038)
Klan K`Jartan (41067)
Guard K`Jartan (41072)
Guard S`Tai (41073)
Guard N`Mar (41074)
Guard S`Lon (41075)
Guard Tolax (41076)
Guard Quexill (41077)
Guard Zexus (41078)
Guard F`Lok (41080)
in Neriak - Foreign Quarter by Guard V`Retta (40039)
Guard Punox (40041)
Guard H`Rugla (40045)
Guard F`Lok (40081)
Guard N`Mar (40085)
Guard LCrit (40095)
Guard Swang (40046)
Guard S`Kor (40047)
Guard T`Kix (40086)
Guard Tolax (40063)
Guard Lumpin (40067)
Guard Ixtaz (40084)
in Northern Desert of Ro by Dorn B`Dynn (34082)
in Oasis of Marr by a deepwater goblin (37045)
a deepwater goblin (37049)
a deepwater goblin (37054)
a deepwater goblin (37120)
a deepwater goblin (37136)
a deepwater goblin (37146)
a deepwater goblin (37087)
a deepwater goblin (37089)
a deepwater goblin (37118)
a deepwater goblin (37135)
a deepwater goblin (37052)
a deepwater goblin (37053)
a deepwater goblin (37088)
a deepwater goblin (37119)
a deepwater goblin (37055)
in Oggok by Ambassador K`Ryn (49092)
in South Desert of Ro by a deepwater goblin (393111)
a deepwater goblin (393112)
a deepwater goblin (393113)
a deepwater goblin (393114)
a deepwater goblin (393115)
a deepwater goblin (393117)
in The Castle of Mistmoore by Xicotl (59152)
in The Greater Faydark by orc oracle (54001)
orc centurion (54003)
orc pawn (54015)
orc centurion (54016)
orc centurion (54037)
orc centurion (54190)
orc centurion (54004)
orc centurion (54008)
orc oracle (54019)
orc centurion (54188)
a mature arborean (54006)
an arborean sapling (54009)
an orc arsonist (54039)
Gurleg Bribgok (54040)
an arborean sapling (54057)
orc centurion (54027)
orc oracle (54185)
orc centurion (54187)
orc shaman (54194)
orc shaman (54200)
orc hatchetman (54193)
orc shaman (54195)
Centurion Relgle (54198)
in The Lesser Faydark by orc centurion (57003)
orc legionnaire (57136)
orc centurion (57001)
orc centurion (57015)
orc centurion (57020)
orc centurion (57004)
orc oracle (57040)
orc oracle (57090)
orc chief (57041)
orc chief (57085)
orc centurion (57056)
Teir`Dal Elite (57057)
in The Nektulos Forest by Corporal D`Abth (25123)
Sergeant J`Narus (25019)
Captain N`Farre (25026)
Guard Gvarr (25050)
Guard T`Quetal (25117)
Guard V`Lex (25119)
Corporal X`Horn (25125)
Guard V`Lex (25036)
Guard T`Quetal (25055)
Sergeant C`Orm (25115)
Guard E`tru (25142)
Guard Z`Den (25349)
Guard E`Brona (25401)
Guard X`Onnu (25405)
Guard N`Lan (25406)
orc runner (25438)
in West Commonlands by orc oracle (21096)
orc weaponsmith (21155)
in Butcherblock Mountains by Deldryn Splendyr (68073)
in Crushbone by an elven slave (58007)
an elven slave (58023)
an elven slave (58044)
an elven slave (58049)
in Firiona Vie by Private Blackbark (84011)
a pilgrim (84015)
Sir Hobble (84297)
a pilgrim (84046)
a pilgrim (84049)
Firiona drixie (84051)
Firiona drixie (84052)
Firiona drixie (84064)
a pilgrim (84066)
Firiona drixie (84042)
Firiona drixie (84069)
Firiona drixie (84071)
Firiona drixie (84072)
Firiona drixie (84075)
Firiona drixie (84079)
Firiona drixie (84047)
Firiona drixie (84083)
Firiona drixie (84085)
a pilgrim (84086)
Firiona drixie (84037)
Firiona drixie (84097)
Firiona drixie (84048)
Gillia Brissok (84115)
Nadia Starfeast (84116)
a pilgrim (84117)
a pilgrim (84118)
a pilgrim (84242)
a pilgrim (84002)
a pilgrim (84225)
a pilgrim (84249)
a pilgrim (84259)
an explorer (84119)
a pilgrim (84120)
an explorer (84121)
Rinnala Sweetsong (84123)
Bronto Thudfoot (84129)
Lenka Stoutheart (84130)
Scout Bowfist (84131)
Scout Tallstump (84132)
Scout Bladethorn (84133)
Scout Treekill (84134)
Guard Figwynn (84135)
Guard Eldarn (84136)
Guard Degada (84137)
Guard Ashmod (84138)
Guard Razear (84139)
Guard Hemyr (84140)
Guard Frandan (84141)
Guard Sigryr (84142)
Guard Nidmire (84143)
Guard Opano (84144)
Guard Winis (84145)
Guard Meyana (84146)
Guard Lithomin (84147)
Guard Yeolin (84148)
Guard Rysis (84149)
Guard Grizma (84150)
Guard Legolin (84151)
Guard Andile (84152)
Guard Ivak (84153)
Guard Tobiah (84154)
Guard Vitar (84155)
Captain Keatar (84156)
Captain Nealith (84157)
Lieutenant Darakor (84158)
Frothy (84163)
Dran Hieth (84164)
Brisha Fyrestone (84165)
Erica Swiftweave (84166)
Rafron Brandin (84167)
Broawn Goshart (84168)
Dorg McMerin (84169)
Jessica Winter (84170)
Fleceal Summer (84171)
Hiptal Frizzleboth (84174)
Arial Fern (84178)
Nertith Gracon (84179)
Brackin Nartoise (84180)
Selien Nartoise (84181)
Shelae Wolfkin (84182)
Clarissa Heartweaver (84183)
Drizel Maxton (84184)
Raciel Sanherb (84185)
Balik Wolftrot (84186)
Dionin Needlespin (84190)
Gearin Gaxx (84191)
Marlyn McMerin (84192)
Shrub Marwood (84193)
Brak Daggermist (84194)
Leala Swiftarrow (84195)
Quizan Gaxx (84196)
Kaydin Gaxx (84197)
Dom Pathfinder (84198)
Glinya Sweetpie (84199)
Samson (84200)
Vrionele (84203)
Vrionele (84272)
Vrionele (84287)
Fieldsurgeon Trom (84204)
Ailerina the Gentle (84205)
Foloal Stormforest (84207)
Fyrefly (84299)
a pilgrim (84210)
Firiona drixie (84212)
Sergeant Greenblade (84214)
Firiona drixie (84215)
a pilgrim (84005)
a pilgrim (84216)
Firiona drixie (84217)
a pilgrim (84218)
a pilgrim (84219)
a pilgrim (84221)
Firiona drixie (84222)
a pilgrim (84224)
Private Goldtouch (84006)
Firiona drixie (84226)
Firiona drixie (84039)
Sergeant Daelione (84228)
a pilgrim (84230)
a pilgrim (84020)
Firiona drixie (84012)
a pilgrim (84030)
a pilgrim (84232)
a pilgrim (84233)
a pilgrim (84237)
Firiona drixie (84045)
a pilgrim (84053)
Firiona drixie (84243)
Firiona drixie (84244)
a pilgrim (84246)
a pilgrim (84021)
a pilgrim (84247)
Basil the skinner (84269)
Lieutenant Feardeep (84271)
Shieldbearer Buerd (84273)
Shieldbearer Buerd (84290)
Shieldbearer Relios (84274)
Shieldbearer Relios (84288)
Tracker Azeal (84277)
Lady Chromoire (84281)
Marinda Flockwings (84305)
Drake Mountainstorm (84301)
Dune (84270)
in Innothule Swamp by Fandl Arathin (46009)
Hogus Durmas (46021)
Jars Legola (46022)
Jyle Windstorm (46023)
in Lake of Ill Omen by #a lead explorer (85090)
an explorer (85160)
an explorer (85092)
an explorer (85159)
an explorer (85161)
an explorer (85199)
an explorer (85162)
an explorer (85196)
in Northern Felwithe by Guard Evital (61001)
Guard Evital (61078)
Guard Hutian (61002)
Guard Hutian (61074)
Guard Jassong (61003)
Guard Jassong (61087)
Guard Settine (61004)
Guard Settine (61086)
Guard Allmayn (61005)
Guard Mystan (61006)
Guard Wisnyw (61007)
Guard Wisnyw (61075)
Guard Legver (61008)
Guard Meadom (61009)
Guard Meadom (61076)
Guard Meadom (61084)
Guard Crucorn (61036)
Guard Crucorn (61077)
Guard Lovayn (61037)
Guard Trerun (61038)
Guard Kiston (61039)
Guard Kiston (61072)
in Ocean of Tears by Valaryn Elben (69080)
in Southern Felwithe by Guard Mystan (62023)
Guard Tynthal (62024)
Guard Psape (62025)
Guard Plage (62032)
Guard Tistan (62033)
Guard Spioko (62034)
Guard Golyn (62035)
in The Greater Faydark by Hendricks (54028)
Linadian (54050)
Guard Orcflayer (54062)
Guard Orcflayer (54212)
Guard Orcflayer (54242)
Banker Willaen (54066)
Merchant Vaelias (54067)
Guard Dayblaze (54068)
Guard Dayblaze (54241)
Guard Sunblaze (54069)
Guard Sunblaze (54220)
Regren (54093)
Guard Crystalwind (54094)
Guard Highmoon (54095)
Guard Fayfear (54096)
Guard Frostfallen (54097)
Guard Frostfallen (54222)
Guard Frostfallen (54259)
Guard Rainstrider (54098)
Guard Fireblight (54099)
Guard Sunweaver (54100)
Guard Sunweaver (54219)
Guard Sunweaver (54260)
Merchant Niwiny (54103)
Bilrio Surecut (54104)
Gallin Woodwind (54106)
Sindl Talonstrike (54107)
Captain Silverwind (54110)
Guard Treestrider (54112)
Guard Treestrider (54223)
Guard Treestrider (54263)
Guard Valewatcher (54113)
Guard Valewatcher (54243)
Guard Eaglesong (54114)
Guard Eaglesong (54217)
Guard Eaglesong (54244)
Guard Briarstorm (54115)
Guard Oakwillow (54116)
Guard Oakwillow (54245)
Guard Noonshadow (54117)
Guard Noonshadow (54215)
Guard Noonshadow (54265)
Guard Pineshade (54118)
Guard Marshmoor (54119)
Guard Tangleroot (54120)
Guard Tangleroot (54218)
Guard Tangleroot (54246)
Guard Nitegazer (54121)
Guard Nitegazer (54226)
Guard Nitegazer (54247)
Guard Starstrike (54122)
Guard Starstrike (54227)
Guard Starstrike (54240)
Guard Fayfield (54123)
Guard Fayfield (54210)
Guard Fayfield (54268)
Guard Brookrock (54124)
Guard Pinebramble (54125)
Guard Pinebramble (54248)
Guard Streamtree (54126)
Guard Streamtree (54228)
Guard Streamtree (54269)
Josylyn Greenblade (54127)
Merchant Lanin (54128)
Merchant Kaeluase (54129)
Merchant Ueaas (54130)
Merchant Kweili (54131)
Merchant Laedar (54132)
Merchant Aildien (54133)
Merchant Aluuvila (54134)
Merchant Tilluen (54135)
Merchant Sylnis (54136)
Merchant Weaolanae (54137)
Merchant Kanoldar (54138)
Merchant Tiladinya (54139)
Merchant Neaien (54140)
Merchant Winerasea (54141)
Merchant Minamas (54142)
Merchant Gerienae (54143)
Merchant Legweien (54144)
Innkeep Anisyla (54145)
Innkeep Wuleran (54146)
Innkeep Larya (54147)
Innkeep Linen (54148)
Barkeep Tvanla (54149)
Barkeep Sissya (54150)
Barkeep Aanlawen (54151)
Barkeep Myrisa (54152)
Barkeep Lysslan (54153)
Barkeep Tuviena (54154)
Barkeep Syntan (54155)
Barkeep Uulianu (54156)
Barkeep Manlawen (54157)
Merchant Aianya (54158)
Merchant Iludarae (54159)
Merchant Kwein (54160)
Merchant Tinolwenya (54161)
Merchant Uaylain (54162)
Merchant Tananie (54163)
Merchant Tegdian (54164)
Merchant Ainaiana (54165)
Merchant Nildar (54166)
Merchant Aluwenae (54167)
Merchant Linolyen (54168)
Merchant Nluolian (54169)
Merchant Gaeadin (54170)
Guard Moonwind (54171)
Guard Moonwind (54229)
Guard Moonwind (54249)
Merchant Tenra (54172)
Merchant Gililya (54173)
Merchant Tuluvdar (54174)
Merchant Milania (54175)
Merchant Muvien (54176)
Lieutenant Leafstalker (54111)
Lieutenant Leafstalker (54211)
in The Lesser Faydark by Glyndur Tindel (57060)
Galwyn Geldin (57072)
Gundel Elorion (57073)
Cylas Delbrin (57074)
Bryn Fynndel (57075)
Faril Elvebryn (57076)
Mywyn Tinendel (57077)
Sarawyn Amorfin (57078)
Vynn Thrildur (57079)
Anelia Thrywiel (57083)
in The Rathe Mountains by Sylp Tyanathin (50284)
Jars Legola (50287)
Jyle Windstorm (50313)
in Timorous Deep by an elven ranger (96037)
an elven scout (96038)
an elven war scout (96062)
an elven scout (96063)
an elven ranger (96064)
an elven war scout (96065)
Seloris Windweaver (96066)
an elven scout (96067)
an Elven Overseer (96068)
in West Freeport by Linadian (9011)