Kedgefish Venom Rk. II
Spell: Kedgefish Venom Rk. II
Classes | Necromancer (75) |
When cast on you | Your veins are filled with vile kedgefish venom. |
When cast on other | 's veins turn a vile shade of green. |
When fading | Your veins return to normal. |
Mana | 704 |
Casting time | 3 sec |
Recovery time | 1.5 sec |
Recast time | 1.5 sec |
Range | 200 |
Target | Single Target |
Resist | Poison (Adjust: -50) |
Interruptable | Yes |
Duration | 42 sec (7 ticks) |
1 : Effect type : Increase Poison Counter by 18 2 : Effect type : Increase Hitpoints by 0 |
Spell: Kedgefish Venom Rk. II
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