Spell: Detrimental Haste 15


Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration3 hours 15 min (1950 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Focus: Spell Haste by 15%
    2 : Effect type : Limit: Max Level (80)
    3 : Effect type : Limit: Spell(Complete Heal)
    4 : Effect type : Limit: Min Casting Time (3 sec)
    5 : Effect type : Limit: Effect (Increase Hitpoints excluded)
    6 : Effect type : Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
    7 : Effect type : Limit: Spell Type: Detrimental Only

Items with this spell:

Alloy-Linked Leggings
Commanding Hide Leggings
Commanding Silk Pantaloons
Darkened Silver-plated Leggings
Darkened Silversilk Leggings
Dedicated Alloy Leggings
Dedicated Steel Greaves
Dreamer's Silk Pantaloons
Druadic Hide Leggings
Druadic Linked Leggings
Enameled Black Greaves
Enameled Black Greaves
Fabled Blood Runed Battle Wand
Fabled Hammer of the Wind
Glossy Silk Pantaloons
Gnollish Chain Leggings
Gnollish Chain Leggings
Gnollish Leather Leggings
Gnollish Leather Leggings
Intense Silk Pantaloons
Nastel's Gold Ring
Necrotic Silk Pantaloons
Necrotic Steel Greaves
Purified Steel Greaves
Scratched Hide Leggings
Shiny Metallic Pantaloons
Shiny Metallic Pantaloons
Warped Steel Greaves