Spell: Soothing Breath I


When cast on youYou exhale a puff of Selay's breath.
When cast on other exhales a puff of Selay's breath.
When fadingSelay's breath leaves you.
Casting time2.5 sec
Recovery time1.5 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration27 min (270 ticks)

Spell Effects

    8 : Effect type : Increase Mana by 17 per tick
    10 : Effect type : Increase Hitpoints by 17

Items with this spell:

Adornment of the Sapphire Gaze
Ailettes of the Champion
Blessed Sanctified Underfoot Prayer Shawl
Blood Caked Hood
Brilliantly Glowing Frog Eye
Crystalkin Amice
Diamondcast Ailettes of the Champion
Dirt Encrusted Shoulderguards
Dirty Pauldrons of the Distraught
Earring of Dragon's Fire
Frostwoven Mantle
Frostwoven Mantle
Guardian's Hoop of Waking Horror
Hoop of Whirling Words
Living Crystal Shard
Misshapen Bauble
Pearl Earrings of Elegance
Porous Stonegirdle of Recovery
Revered Sanctified Underfoot Prayer Shawl
Riggbit's Glowing Red Eye
Slime Stained Hood
Sludge-Covered Hoop
Soot-brushed Shoulders of the Lifebringer
Spiked Ear Taper