Spell: Beneficial Haste 30 L85


Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration3 hours 15 min (1950 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Focus: Spell Haste by 30%
    2 : Effect type : Limit: Max Level (85)
    3 : Effect type : Limit: Spell(Complete Heal)
    4 : Effect type : Limit: Min Casting Time (3 sec)
    5 : Effect type : Limit: Effect (Increase Hitpoints excluded)
    6 : Effect type : Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
    7 : Effect type : Limit: Spell Type: Beneficial Only

Items with this spell:

Balanced Darkfell Silk Sandals
Balanced Dreadheart Plate Boots
Balanced Earthwrought Leather Boots
Balanced Fategaze Chain Boots
Balanced Flamechill Silk Sandals
Balanced Forcestrike Silk Sandals
Balanced Hallowtouch Plate Boots
Balanced Mindtwist Silk Sandals
Balanced Outrider Chain Boots
Balanced Primalhowl Leather Boots
Balanced Soulstoke Plate Boots
Chain Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Seafarer
Chain Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Seafarer
Chain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Seafarer
Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Seafarer
Chain Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Seafarer
Chain Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Seafarer
Chain Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Seafarer
Chaotic Darkfell Silk Sandals
Chaotic Dreadheart Plate Boots
Chaotic Earthwrought Leather Boots
Chaotic Fategaze Chain Boots
Chaotic Flamechill Silk Sandals
Chaotic Forcestrike Silk Sandals
Chaotic Hallowtouch Plate Boots
Chaotic Mindtwist Silk Sandals
Chaotic Outrider Chain Boots
Chaotic Primalhowl Leather Boots
Chaotic Soulstoke Plate Boots
Concordant Darkfell Silk Sandals
Concordant Dreadheart Plate Boots
Concordant Earthwrought Leather Boots
Concordant Fategaze Chain Boots
Concordant Flamechill Silk Sandals
Concordant Forcestrike Silk Sandals
Concordant Hallowtouch Plate Boots
Concordant Mindtwist Silk Sandals
Concordant Outrider Chain Boots
Concordant Primalhowl Leather Boots
Concordant Soulstoke Plate Boots
Discordant Darkfell Silk Sandals
Discordant Dreadheart Plate Boots
Discordant Earthwrought Leather Boots
Discordant Fategaze Chain Boots
Discordant Flamechill Silk Sandals
Discordant Forcestrike Silk Sandals
Discordant Hallowtouch Plate Boots
Discordant Mindtwist Silk Sandals
Discordant Outrider Chain Boots
Discordant Primalhowl Leather Boots
Discordant Soulstoke Plate Boots
Frostrift Boots
Frostrift Boots
Golden Efreeti Boots
Golden Efreeti Boots
Inflicted Darkfell Silk Sandals
Inflicted Dreadheart Plate Boots
Inflicted Earthwrought Leather Boots
Inflicted Fategaze Chain Boots
Inflicted Flamechill Silk Sandals
Inflicted Forcestrike Silk Sandals
Inflicted Hallowtouch Plate Boots
Inflicted Mindtwist Silk Sandals
Inflicted Outrider Chain Boots
Inflicted Primalhowl Leather Boots
Inflicted Soulstoke Plate Boots
Iridium Cardinalcore Sandals
Iridium Doomherald Boots
Iridium Feralcall Boots
Iridium Fleshbane Sandals
Iridium Lightguard Boots
Iridium Mercytouched Boots
Iridium Natureborn Boots
Iridium Psychesnap Boots
Iridium Shadowguard Boots
Iridium Skychaser Boots
Iridium Sleetstorm Sandals
Leather Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Seafarer
Leather Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Seafarer
Leather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Seafarer
Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Seafarer
Leather Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Seafarer
Leather Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Seafarer
Leather Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Seafarer
Ordained Darkfell Silk Sandals
Ordained Dreadheart Plate Boots
Ordained Earthwrought Leather Boots
Ordained Fategaze Chain Boots
Ordained Flamechill Silk Sandals
Ordained Forcestrike Silk Sandals
Ordained Hallowtouch Plate Boots
Ordained Mindtwist Silk Sandals
Ordained Outrider Chain Boots
Ordained Primalhowl Leather Boots
Ordained Soulstoke Plate Boots
Palladium Cardinalcore Sandals
Palladium Doomherald Boots
Palladium Feralcall Boots
Palladium Fleshbane Sandals
Palladium Lightguard Boots
Palladium Mercytouched Boots
Palladium Natureborn Boots
Palladium Psychesnap Boots
Palladium Shadowguard Boots
Palladium Skychaser Boots
Palladium Sleetstorm Sandals
Plate Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Seafarer
Plate Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Seafarer
Plate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Seafarer
Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Seafarer
Plate Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Seafarer
Plate Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Seafarer
Plate Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Seafarer
Runed Mithril Boots
Runed Mithril Boots
Silk Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Seafarer
Silk Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Seafarer
Silk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Seafarer
Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Seafarer
Silk Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Seafarer
Silk Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Seafarer
Silk Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Seafarer
Tainted Darkfell Silk Sandals
Tainted Dreadheart Plate Boots
Tainted Earthwrought Leather Boots
Tainted Fategaze Chain Boots
Tainted Flamechill Silk Sandals
Tainted Forcestrike Silk Sandals
Tainted Hallowtouch Plate Boots
Tainted Mindtwist Silk Sandals
Tainted Outrider Chain Boots
Tainted Primalhowl Leather Boots
Tainted Soulstoke Plate Boots
Tarnished Darkfell Silk Sandals
Tarnished Dreadheart Plate Boots
Tarnished Earthwrought Leather Boots
Tarnished Fategaze Chain Boots
Tarnished Flamechill Silk Sandals
Tarnished Forcestrike Silk Sandals
Tarnished Hallowtouch Plate Boots
Tarnished Mindtwist Silk Sandals
Tarnished Outrider Chain Boots
Tarnished Primalhowl Leather Boots
Tarnished Soulstoke Plate Boots
Vested Darkfell Silk Sandals
Vested Dreadheart Plate Boots
Vested Earthwrought Leather Boots
Vested Fategaze Chain Boots
Vested Flamechill Silk Sandals
Vested Forcestrike Silk Sandals
Vested Hallowtouch Plate Boots
Vested Mindtwist Silk Sandals
Vested Outrider Chain Boots
Vested Primalhowl Leather Boots
Vested Soulstoke Plate Boots
Wolf Fur Slippers
Wolf Fur Slippers