Spell: True North


Classes Cleric (1), Paladin (3), Shaman (1), Necromancer (2), Wizard (1), Magician (1), Enchanter (1)
When cast on youYou spin to face north.
Casting time2 sec
Recovery time1.5 sec
Recast time4 sec
TargetSelf Only

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : True North

    Items with this spell:

    Bag of Chronobines
    Bag of Doubloons
    Bag of Ebon Crystals
    Bag of Faycitum
    Bag of Orux
    Bag of Phosphenes
    Bag of Phosphites
    Bag of Platinum
    Bag of Radiant Crystals
    Brass Clockwork Abacus
    Bronze Clockwork Abacus
    Bundle of Defiant Armor
    Dagger of Falsehood
    Frightening Writ
    Gold Clockwork Abacus
    Igneous Crystalline Ember
    Iron Clockwork Abacus
    Journeyman's Compass
    Legendary Norrathian Standard
    Package of Defiant Armor
    Platinum Clockwork Abacus
    Potion of Peace: DaBashers
    Potion of Peace: Emerald Warriors
    Potion of Peace: Faydarks Champions
    Potion of Peace: Guardians of the Vale
    Potion of Peace: Guards of Qeynos
    Potion of Peace: Heretics
    Potion of Peace: High Guard of Erudin
    Potion of Peace: Indigo Brotherhood
    Potion of Peace: Kael Drakkel
    Potion of Peace: King AkAnon
    Potion of Peace: Oggok Guards
    Potion of Peace: Skyshrine
    Potion of Peace: Storm Guard
    Potion of Peace: The Freeport Militia
    Potion of Peace: Thurgadin
    Potion of Peace: Wolves of the North
    Potion: Island Disguise
    Ring of Rememberance
    Scabbard of Fortune
    Scabbard of Hope
    Scope of Navigation
    Silver Clockwork Abacus
    Skyfall Seeker
    Spell: True North
    Spell: True North
    Temporal Chrysalis
    Title of " the Dreamer"
    Title of " the Friendly"
    Title of " the Memorializer"
    Title of " the Relaxed"
    Title of " the Sated"
    Title of the Champion of Norrath
    Title of the Earth Warden
    Title of the Glutton
    Title of the Green Thumb
    Title of the Haunted
    Title of the Hero of the Inquisition
    Title of the Hero of the Oathbound
    Title of the Hunt
    Title of the Legend of Norrath
    Title of the Light Army
    Title of the Lion Tamer
    Title of the Lucky
    Title of the Obliteration Army
    Title of the Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
    Title of the Soused
    Title of the Stone Breaker
    Title of the Timeless
    Title of the Void Seeker
    Title Pack: Animal Lover
    Title Pack: Colors
    Title Pack: Creatures
    Title Pack: Creatures II
    Title Pack: Creatures III
    Title Pack: Disasters
    Title Pack: Failure
    Title Pack: Failure II
    Title Pack: Fame & Infamy
    Title Pack: Fame & Infamy II
    Title Pack: Fame & Infamy III
    Title Pack: Festival
    Title Pack: Flowers
    Title Pack: Fright
    Title Pack: Gemstones
    Title Pack: Gemstones II
    Title Pack: Gnomes!
    Title Pack: Guards
    Title Pack: Heroes & Villains
    Title Pack: Heroes & Villains II
    Title Pack: Heroes & Villains III
    Title Pack: Heroes & Villains IV
    Title Pack: Heroes & Villains V
    Title Pack: Joyful
    Title Pack: Metals
    Title Pack: Military
    Title Pack: Military II
    Title Pack: Monsters
    Title Pack: Monsters II
    Title Pack: Monsters III
    Title Pack: Musicial
    Title Pack: Mystical
    Title Pack: Outcast
    Title Pack: Pirate
    Title Pack: Planes Traveler
    Title Pack: Professions
    Title Pack: Professions II
    Title Pack: Professions III
    Title Pack: Professions IV
    Title Pack: Rage
    Title Pack: Sick
    Title Pack: Spells
    Title Pack: Spells II
    Title Pack: Trickster
    Title Pack: Weaponry
    Title Pack: Weaponry II
    Title Pack: Weather
    Title the Frozen
    Unwritten Glyph
    Writ of the Bellikos
    Writ of the Eagle
    Writ of the Truthkeeper