Spell: Improved Parry / Block VII


Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration1 hour (600 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Increase Chance to Parry by 56%
    2 : Effect type : Increase Chance to Block by 56%

    Items with this spell:

    Amulet of Icy Swells
    Amulet of the Dreadgazer
    Amulet of the Dreamcatcher
    Amulet of the Encore
    Amulet of the Storm
    Amulet of Unified Vision
    Ancient Tarnished Pendant
    Ansel`Ereth, Shattered Rosary of the Keeper
    Arc-Barbed Gorget
    Bazu Bone Collar
    Blackened Band of Oscura
    Bloodstar Pendant
    Bosque Imbued Scarf
    Brigand's Silver Pendant
    Buccaneer's Turquoise Necklace
    Buzzing Bixie Choker
    Centurio Choker
    Chain Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Duelist
    Chain Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Chain Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Duelist
    Chain Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Chain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Duelist
    Chain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Duelist
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Chain Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Duelist
    Chain Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Chain Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Duelist
    Chain Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Chain Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Duelist
    Chain Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Choker of Gasping Breaths
    Choker of Moonlit Tranquility
    Choker of Sel'Tak
    Choker of the Arbiter
    Choker of the Sullied Palace
    Choking Gorget
    Cliknar Claw Necklace
    Collar of Dimensional Control
    Collar of the Crimson Hands Conscript
    Collar of the Entangled Beast
    Collar of the Forsaken
    Collar of the Vicarious Torchbearer
    Collar of Turmoil
    Collio Fortitias
    Collio Humas
    Collio Scribia
    Collio Serpentia
    Collio Umbraculo
    Collio Unguisis
    Collio Vis
    Coraline Necklace
    Corsair's Layered Necklace
    Crushbone Fetish Choker
    Crystal of Soulmoon's Eve
    Delicate Bronzed Torq
    Discordant Soulstealer's Collar
    Dragonbone Beads
    Dragonling Claw Pendant
    Dreadful Carcanet of the Archgod
    Eagle's Claw
    Elegant Lavaforged Gorget
    Ellyra's Necklace of Wonder
    Enigmatic Researcher's Neckguard
    Ethereal Choker
    Fearlinked Chain Boot Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Fearlinked Chain Glove Seal of the Duelist
    Fearlinked Chain Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Fearlinked Chain Helm Seal of the Duelist
    Fearlinked Chain Wrist Seal of the Duelist
    Fearlinked Chain Wrist Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Fearlinked Leather Chest Seal of the Duelist
    Fearlinked Leather Helm Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Fearlinked Leather Leg Seal of the Duelist
    Fearlinked Leather Wrist Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Fearlinked Plate Boot Seal of the Duelist
    Fearlinked Plate Boot Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Fearlinked Plate Chest Seal of the Duelist
    Fearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Duelist
    Fearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Fearlinked Plate Helm Seal of the Duelist
    Fearlinked Plate Leg Seal of the Duelist
    Fearlinked Plate Sleeve Seal of the Duelist
    Fearlinked Plate Sleeve Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Fearlinked Plate Wrist Seal of the Duelist
    Fearlinked Plate Wrist Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Findlewill's Lucky Necklace
    Fingerbone Necklace
    Flawless Agranite Shard Pendant
    Freebooter's Black Pearl Necklace
    Fusion's Chest Plate of Flame
    Gatekeeper's Locket
    Glowing Drape of Illdaera
    Goral Teeth Necklace
    Gorget of Ancestral Loss
    Gorget of Attention
    Gorget of Interlinked Hours
    Gorget of Suffocation
    Gorget of the Centaur
    Grounds Stomper's Necklace
    Guardian's Greater Gorget
    Hardened Jell of the Queen
    Harmonic Hive Choker
    Heartfire Pendant
    Huntsman's Bloodcharm Necklace
    Ikaav Neck Brace
    Interlinked Gorget of the First Born
    Kerchief of the Fear-Monger
    Lawkeeper's Gorget
    Layered Gorget of Tenacity
    Leather Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Duelist
    Leather Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Leather Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Duelist
    Leather Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Leather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Duelist
    Leather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Duelist
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Leather Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Duelist
    Leather Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Leather Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Duelist
    Leather Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Leather Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Duelist
    Leather Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Legatus Gorget
    Lelro's Collar of the Beasts
    Light-Touched Necklace
    Locket of Dancing Shadow
    Locket of the Darkwalker
    Locket of Tormented Memories
    Magio Collium
    Magister Scarf
    Magnificent Opal Brooch
    Marauder's Bloodstone
    Memorias Collium
    Molded Amulet of Inspiration
    Moonbeam Clasp
    Moonstone Choker
    Moss-Entwined Necklace
    Neckband of the Bold
    Neckguard of Lingering Grace
    Necklace of Accord
    Necklace of Dread
    Necklace of Pale Light
    Necklace of the Cycle
    Nightsong Ornament
    Nocei Collium
    Noose of Dreadful Endings
    Obsidian Eye Pendant
    Ornate Gorget of Equivocal Protection
    Pale Luclinite Torq
    Pendant of Darkened Frenzy
    Pendant of Mental Clarity
    Pendant of Reverie
    Phantasmic Chain Chest Seal of the Duelist
    Phantasmic Chain Chest Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Phantasmic Chain Glove Seal of the Duelist
    Phantasmic Chain Helm Seal of the Duelist
    Phantasmic Chain Sleeve Seal of the Duelist
    Phantasmic Chain Wrist Seal of the Duelist
    Phantasmic Chain Wrist Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Phantasmic Leather Boot Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Phantasmic Leather Chest Seal of the Duelist
    Phantasmic Leather Sleeve Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Phantasmic Leather Wrist Seal of the Duelist
    Phantasmic Plate Boot Seal of the Duelist
    Phantasmic Plate Chest Seal of the Duelist
    Phantasmic Plate Chest Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Phantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Duelist
    Phantasmic Plate Helm Seal of the Duelist
    Phantasmic Plate Helm Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Phantasmic Plate Leg Seal of the Duelist
    Phantasmic Plate Wrist Seal of the Duelist
    Phantasmic Plate Wrist Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Phantasmic Silk Sleeve Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Plate Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Duelist
    Plate Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Plate Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Duelist
    Plate Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Plate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Duelist
    Plate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Duelist
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Plate Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Duelist
    Plate Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Plate Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Duelist
    Plate Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Plate Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Duelist
    Plate Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Polished Platinum Links
    Privateer's Studded Necklace
    Raid Elder Chain Boot Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Chain Boot Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Chain Chest Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Chain Chest Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Chain Leg Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Chain Leg Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Chain Sleeve Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Chain Sleeve Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Chain Wrist Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Chain Wrist Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Leather Boot Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Leather Boot Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Leather Chest Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Leather Chest Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Leather Leg Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Leather Leg Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Leather Sleeve Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Leather Sleeve Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Leather Wrist Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Leather Wrist Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Plate Boot Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Plate Boot Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Plate Chest Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Plate Chest Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Plate Leg Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Plate Leg Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Plate Sleeve Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Plate Sleeve Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Plate Wrist Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Plate Wrist Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Silk Boot Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Silk Boot Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Silk Chest Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Silk Chest Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Silk Leg Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Silk Leg Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Silk Sleeve Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Silk Sleeve Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Raid Elder Silk Wrist Seal of the Duelist
    Raid Elder Silk Wrist Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Reenforcing Collar
    Resin-coated Gorget
    Ribbon of the Severed
    Rosary of Chipped Bone
    Rosary of the Silent Song
    Silk Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Duelist
    Silk Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Silk Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Duelist
    Silk Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Silk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Duelist
    Silk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Duelist
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Silk Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Duelist
    Silk Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Silk Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Duelist
    Silk Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Silk Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Duelist
    Silk Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Sisters' Family Signet
    Steel Spinal Guard
    Symbol of the House
    Talisman of Encircled Minds
    Tallow-smeared Locket
    Tanned Leather Throatguard
    Tega`Ser, Withered Choker of the Seeker
    Thick Gorget of Coordination
    Thick Studded Collar
    Tidecaster Mooncharm
    Torq of the Rigid Spine
    Tracker's Choker of Tranquility
    Unneksteel Gorget
    Vangl's Bauble
    Veiled Chain Boot Seal of the Duelist
    Veiled Chain Sleeve Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Veiled Chain Wrist Seal of the Duelist
    Veiled Chain Wrist Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Veiled Leather Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Veiled Leather Leg Seal of the Duelist
    Veiled Leather Sleeve Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Veiled Leather Wrist Seal of the Duelist
    Veiled Plate Boot Seal of the Duelist
    Veiled Plate Chest Seal of the Duelist
    Veiled Plate Chest Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Veiled Plate Glove Seal of the Duelist
    Veiled Plate Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Veiled Plate Helm Seal of the Duelist
    Veiled Plate Leg Seal of the Duelist
    Veiled Plate Sleeve Seal of the Duelist
    Veiled Plate Sleeve Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Veiled Plate Wrist Seal of the Duelist
    Veiled Plate Wrist Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Veiled Silk Chest Seal of the Foot Soldier
    Vinewood Gorget
    Whitemetal Gorget
    Woven Strand of Unstable Materials
    Zealots Collar