Spell: Sharpshooting IX
Mana | 0 |
Casting time | 0 sec |
Recovery time | 0 sec |
Recast time | 0 sec |
Range | 100 |
Target | Self Only |
Resist | Unresistable |
Interruptable | Yes |
Duration | 1 hour (600 ticks) |
1 : Effect type : Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 27% 2 : Effect type : Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 27% | Arc-Barbed Earring
Areial's Fiery Stud
Aristo's Earring of Insight
Ashen Loop of Bone
Aurio Silensio
Banded Crystalline Earring
Bangle of Soundless Weeping
Bauble of Broken Dreams
Beast King's Earring
Beauty of the Maiden
Beguiler's Teardrop
Beritoza's Bangle of Bixielording
Binding Bauble
Bloodborn Bauble
Bloodfire, the Vanquishing
Blue Coral Stud
Bonebraided Hoop
Bonechime Earring
Boneshard Earstud
Bonesnap Earring
Bonespike Earring
Brigand's Hoop
Buccaneer's Hoop
Byrnstud, the Frayed Bone
Carmenius Facultus
Centurio Loop
Chain Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Archer
Chain Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Archer
Chain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Archer
Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Archer
Chain Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Archer
Chain Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Archer
Chain Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Archer
Chimeric Stinger Earring
Claw of the Kerrath
Cliknar Battle Talisman
Coalesced Loop of Brittle Silt
Coiled Bauble of Broken Gears
Commanding Gaze
Companion's Symbol of Defiance
Coraline Earring of Alliance
Coraline Earring of Calm
Corroded Ear-Hoop
Corsair's Stud
Councilor's Sapphire Loop
Crest of the Darkpaw
Crested Mistmoore Ring
Cryostasis Fragment
Crystal Shard of Tenacity
Cursed Crystal of the Valley
Darkheart Earring
Deadgem Earring
Deepsea Ice Stud
Dragon Bone Sliver
Dragon Eggshell-Shard Earring
Dragon's Tear
Drelan, the Spires of Sagacity
Drop of Doubt
Droplet of Light
Droplet of the Frozen Lake
Earmark of the Pumpkin Patch
Earring of Bashing
Earring of Faithful Glory
Earring of Morbus
Earring of Reverie
Earring of Shattered Light
Earring of the August
Earring of the Brush Fire
Earring of the Icecaster
Earring of the Tidesworn
Earring of Watchful Shadows
Earring of Wrathful Shade
Emblem of the Gatekeeper
Emeraldglaze Bangle
Ensslat's Earring
Etched Rune of Renewal
Eye of Illdaera
Eylcall, Tear of Scorned
Fanciful Magus Plumage
Fearlinked Chain Chest Seal of the Archer
Fearlinked Chain Glove Seal of the Archer
Fearlinked Chain Wrist Seal of the Archer
Fearlinked Leather Chest Seal of the Archer
Fearlinked Leather Leg Seal of the Archer
Fearlinked Leather Wrist Seal of the Archer
Fearlinked Plate Boot Seal of the Archer
Fearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Archer
Feartattered Drake Fang Earring
Fetish of Strife
Fire Eye Diamond Stud
Flamebone Earring
Flyleaf Earring
Fogpearl Earring
Fragile Shard of Focus
Freebooter's Skull Earring
Furio Aurio
Fypsalm, the Last Note
Fyrlight, the Stone Bloom
Glittering Jewel of Perfection
Gloomstudded Hoop
Glossy Earthen Loop
Goblin Scout's Loop
Godblood Droplet
Grudgestone of Anger
Harken, Proof
Hoop of Coalesced Imagination
Hoop of Necropotence
Hoop of Untamed Creation
Hyrhymn, Loop of Moral Fortitude
Immaculate Sphere of Clay
Imp Eye Earring
Imp Fang Hoop
Jagged Earring of Potency
Jahar's Burning Hoop
Jewel of the Lost Priest
Keeper's Teardrop
Kotul's Spellblood Earring
Lava-Melted Key
Lawkeeper's Earring
Leaf Bobble
Leather Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Archer
Leather Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Archer
Leather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Archer
Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Archer
Leather Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Archer
Leather Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Archer
Leather Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Archer
Legatus Stud
Lichen Draped Stud
Lichfang Adornment
Living Steel Bauble
Loop of Infinite Shadow
Loop of Living Rock
Loop of the Clerk
Loop of the Mephit
Loyalist Dedication Earring
Luclinite Stud
Magister Earring
Marauder's Stud
Mephit's Tear
Mercurial Stud
Moon-Phase Piercing
Moonstone Trinket of Reflection
Mud-Crusted Hoop
Niteshaid's Earring of Undying Love
Normando's Earring of Insanity
Os Avus
Pearl of the Diabo
Pearlescent Earring
Pearls of Recklessness
Phantasmic Chain Boot Seal of the Archer
Phantasmic Chain Chest Seal of the Archer
Phantasmic Chain Glove Seal of the Archer
Phantasmic Chain Helm Seal of the Archer
Phantasmic Chain Wrist Seal of the Archer
Phantasmic Leather Helm Seal of the Archer
Phantasmic Plate Boot Seal of the Archer
Phantasmic Plate Chest Seal of the Archer
Phantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Archer
Phantasmic Plate Helm Seal of the Archer
Phantasmic Plate Sleeve Seal of the Archer
Phantasmic Plate Wrist Seal of the Archer
Phoenix Feather Earring
Picus Inaurem
Plate Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Archer
Plate Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Archer
Plate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Archer
Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Archer
Plate Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Archer
Plate Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Archer
Plate Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Archer
Polished Chitin Fragment
Praetor's Ledalus Stud
Privateer's Stud
Purest Insecurity
Putryl, Jagged Hoop of Heresy
Raid Elder Chain Boot Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Chain Chest Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Chain Leg Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Chain Sleeve Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Chain Wrist Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Leather Boot Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Leather Chest Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Leather Leg Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Leather Sleeve Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Leather Wrist Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Plate Boot Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Plate Chest Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Plate Leg Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Plate Sleeve Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Plate Wrist Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Silk Boot Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Silk Chest Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Silk Leg Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Silk Sleeve Seal of the Archer
Raid Elder Silk Wrist Seal of the Archer
Resiard, Crest of the Arcward
Sacred Engraved Hoop
Sacred Ophidian Keepsake
Sanctified Battle Soother's Hoop
Sarous, Loop of the Spirit's Solstice
Sea Gem, Adornment of the Companion
Seasound Earring
Shade-Wreathed Earring
Shadowlife Stud Earring
Shard of Authority
Sheerhook, Snag of the Depths
Shimmering Hoop of Light
Shrunken Skull Charm
Silk Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Archer
Silk Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Archer
Silk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Archer
Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Archer
Silk Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Archer
Silk Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Archer
Silk Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Archer
Silverwing Earring
Skirsong, the Imbalanced Conscience
Soot Blackened Hoop
Spore Covered Stud
Suffersphere, Soul of the Wraith
Tamer's Trinket
Tarnished Garnet Earring
Tear of Ro
Tears of the Phoenix
Tempered Flameborn Loop
Thelara`Tel, Icon of the Eternally Faithful
Tidalpearl Earring
Trinket of the Last Ally
Trophy of the Scapegoat
Twelve Tone Earstone
Twisted Beryl Earring
Unneksteel Pinion Gear
Vale Lord's Sieging Eye
Veiled Chain Boot Seal of the Archer
Veiled Chain Chest Seal of the Archer
Veiled Chain Glove Seal of the Archer
Veiled Leather Glove Seal of the Archer
Veiled Plate Boot Seal of the Archer
Veiled Plate Chest Seal of the Archer
Veiled Plate Glove Seal of the Archer
Veiled Plate Helm Seal of the Archer
Veiled Plate Wrist Seal of the Archer
Vhal`Sera Skull Earring
Vile Torturer's Earring
Vilwind, the Silent Step
Vitai Solacium
Vitali Claw
Vyers' Stud
Water Ward Earring
Wavekiller Ring
Weepsea, Solidified Tear of Prexus
Zalifur's Focused Stone
Zen Master's Focus