Spell: Soothing Breath II


When cast on youYou exhale a puff of Selay's breath.
When cast on other exhales a puff of Selay's breath.
When fadingSelay's breath leaves you.
Casting time2.5 sec
Recovery time1.5 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration27 min (270 ticks)

Spell Effects

    8 : Effect type : Increase Mana by 25 per tick
    10 : Effect type : Increase Hitpoints by 25

Items with this spell:

Blood-Etched Breastplate
Broken Insect Legs
Dreadscale Pauldrons
Dried, Shriveled Ear
Dwarven Ringmail Tunic
Guardian of Fear's Mark
Illdaera's Steel-Tear of Fate
Incandescent Slagshard Earring
Jialli's Pauldrons
Lightbane Stud
Linked Bone Shoulderguards
Mantle of Strategy
Metallic Teardrop of War
Nightstorm Earrings
Ornate Fearstalker Pauldrons
Partially Melted Shoulderguard
Pauldrons of Endless War
Reaver's Armor
Reinforced Pauldrons of Dread
Sacred Sanctified Underfoot Prayer Shawl
Slagshard Earring
Taskmaster's Pauldrons
Thick Executioner's Shawl
Towerguard Protector
Trinket of the Collector
Undaleen's Stud
Wrathbone Spur