Spell: Form of Endurance IX


When cast on youYour body takes on new endurance.
When cast on other's body takes on new endurance.
When fadingYour endurance fades.
Casting time3 sec
Recovery time1.5 sec
Recast time6 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration36 min (360 ticks)

Spell Effects

    5 : Effect type : Increase Max Hitpoints by 810
    6 : Effect type : Screech by 1% (L80) to 0% (L80)

Items with this spell:

Afton's Mask
Dark Wyvern Hide Mask
Eyepatch of the Sea-Rider
Face of the Failed Creation
Fuchsia Visor of the Devout Timekeeper
Growling Visage
Guardvest of the High Priest
Joceil's Exquisite Plate Mask
Laminated Gnome Skin Mask
Luminous Monocle of the Scribe
Ornately Decorated Mask
Resplendent Mask
Rustiron Mask
Seaweed Lined Mask of the Serpent
Slaughter's Mask
Veil of Reflective Crystal
Visor of Magnificent Dreams