Spell: Form of Endurance X


When cast on youYour body takes on new endurance.
When cast on other's body takes on new endurance.
When fadingYour endurance fades.
Casting time3 sec
Recovery time1.5 sec
Recast time6 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration36 min (360 ticks)

Spell Effects

    5 : Effect type : Increase Max Hitpoints by 900
    6 : Effect type : Screech by 1% (L80) to 0% (L80)

Items with this spell:

Bejeweled Mask of the Digger
Braxi-Skull Mask
Carrier's Protective Facade
Deathmask of the Thelara
Eye of the Warden
Facade of Ryken
Frilled Mask of Many Splendors
Gardener's Bixie-Pollen Mask
Garish Faceplate of the Silent Storyteller
Glowing Eyes of the Wind
Grim Mask of the Carnifex
Guise of the Tuffet-Sitter
Jlane's Visage of Defense
Lava-Scarred Faceplate
Manaflow Veil of the Convorteum
Plain Visage of the Citizen
Radiant Visor of Construction
Trenchant Visage of Hardened Clay
Visage of the Windrunner
Visor of the Constructor