Spell: Illusionary Spikes V


When cast on youIllusionary spikes sprout from your armor.
When fadingThe illusionary spikes fade away.
Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration1 hour (600 ticks)

Spell Effects

    2 : Effect type : Increase Damage Shield by 50

    Items with this spell:

    Airy Drape of the Wind
    Battlemaster's Drape
    Clay-Soiled Shroud
    Cloak of Soothing
    Drape of Diseased Remnants
    Drape of Light Gusts
    Erilon Soldier Cloak
    Guard of the Shield Maiden
    Guggles' Mangy Hide
    Heated Grekenscale Cape
    Majestic Cloak of the Mistresses
    Pale-Grey Cloak of Eloquence
    Perorate Cloak of the Word Lord
    Poncho of the Core Traveler
    Scintillating Cape of the Garden Grove
    Shawl of Hushed Voices
    Spike-Covered Cloak of Agility
    Tattered Spike-Covered Cloak
    Thrice Blessed Golden Cloak
    Whiteshoals' Drape of Purity