Spell: Soothing Breath IV


When cast on youYou exhale a soothing breath.
When cast on other exhales a soothing puff of breath.
When fadingThe soothing breath leaves you.
Casting time2.5 sec
Recovery time1.5 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration27 min (270 ticks)

Spell Effects

    8 : Effect type : Increase Mana by 35 per tick
    10 : Effect type : Increase Hitpoints by 35

Items with this spell:

Ashen Loop of Bone
Boneshard of the Lost
Coiled Bauble of Broken Gears
Deafening Hoop of the Bonecruncher
Earring of Crushing Dreams
Humble Earring of the Groundskeeper
Lapis Lazuli Ear Ornament
Layered Cosgrove Pauldrons
Masterwork Spaulders
Mephit's Tear
Nelori's Earring of Ambition
Putrefied Earring of the Rat Queen
Simple Silver Earring
Spore Covered Stud