Spell: Geomantra VIII


When cast on youYou concentrate, guarding your body by sheer force of will.
When cast on other guards their body by sheer force of will.
When fadingYou lose your concentration.
Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time60 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration27 min (270 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Mitigate Spell Damage Rune by 30
    9 : Effect type : Decrease Mana by 9 per tick
    10 : Effect type : Decrease Endurance by 9

Items with this spell:

Amber-Crystal Earring
Arctender's Glowing Hoop
Arctender's Signet of Station
Band of Rotting Leaves
Beauty of the Maiden
Bonemeal's Pith
Collar of the Crimson Hands Conscript
Crystal Shard of Tenacity
Double Hoop of Tegleth
Elegant Lavaforged Gorget
Emblem of the Gatekeeper
Engraved Pearl Earrings
Enigmatic Researcher's Neckguard
Gatekeeper's Locket
Glaring Eye of the Ut`len
Golden Shield Earring
Interlinked Gorget of the First Born
Shadowed Hoop of Decaying Leaves
Silvern Aegis-Shaped Earring
Sisters' Family Signet
Tempered Flameborn Loop
The Depthkeeper's Ever-Glaring Eye
Weepsea, Solidified Tear of Prexus
Woven Strand of Unstable Materials