Spell: Spider's Bite Poison VIII
When cast on you | You poison your weapon with Spider's Bite Poison. |
When cast on other | poisons their weapon. |
When fading | The Spider's Bite Poison wears off your weapon. |
Mana | 0 |
Casting time | 0 sec |
Recovery time | 0 sec |
Recast time | 0 sec |
Range | 100 |
Target | Self Only |
Resist | Unresistable |
Interruptable | Yes |
Duration | 2 hours (1200 ticks) |
10 : Effect type : Screech by 1% (L80) to 0% (L80) 11 : Effect type : by 22022 | Chalandria's Bite XV
Chalandria's Bite XVI
Rotting Chalandria's Bite XV
Spider's Bite XV
Spider's Bite XVI