Spell: Detrimental Range 27 L90


Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration3 hours 15 min (1950 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Focus: Spell Range by 27%
    2 : Effect type : Limit: Max Level (90)
    3 : Effect type : Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
    4 : Effect type : Limit: Spell Type: Detrimental Only

Items with this spell:

Brazen Faceguard of the Fallen
Brazen Mask of Sentience
Coolant Coverplate
Dented Brass Mask
Elven Skin Mask
Emperor Crush's Coif
Emperor Crush's Ornate Mask
Enchanted Mask of Gold
Faceguard of Turning Dreams
Faceplate of Inflammatory Nightmares
Fanciful Mask of Joyful Slaying
Frightbone Mask
Frigid Faceguard
Gohednugh's Mask of the Goat
Golden Faceguard of the Devoted
Golden Mask of X'Tala
Heroic Faceplate of the Guardian
Heroic Mask of the Agile
Heroic Mask of the Courageous
Hollowed Rotdog Skull
Humanoid Leather Mask
Intricately Carved Visor of Treant Bark
Killer's Mask
Kinked Mask of Preservation
Leather Fear Mask
Majda's Empowered Visor of Preservation
Mask of Disturbing Visions
Mask of Fearful Reverie
Mask of Masking
Mask of the Bloodraven
Mask of the Elusive Eidolon
Mask of the Fancy Ball
Mask of the Insatiable
Mask of the Skinned Candy Hoarder
Mask of the Vagarious Servant
Putrid Gorilla Fur Mask
Raze's Empty Cranium
Scrap Metal Mask
Silk Imp Mask
Sork's Vibromesh Veil
Soulmage's Veil
Spinechiller Chitin Mask
Spinechiller Web Mask
Studded Veil of the Assassin
Veil of Somnium
Visage of Kijaemz
Visage of the Sinister Drone
Visage of the Somnium Minion
Visor of Bad Dreams
Volew Scale Visor
Whitepaw's Faceplate of Realized Nightmares
Zealot's Faceguard of Terrified Aggression
Zonoraz' Mask of Station