Spell: Myrmidon's Skill IV


When cast on youYou become more aware of your opponent's movements.
When cast on other is more aware.
When fadingYour awareness returns to normal.
Casting time0 sec
Recovery time1.5 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration36 min (360 ticks)

Spell Effects

    6 : Effect type : Increase Chance to Dodge by 6%

Items with this spell:

Dreamer's Cord
Enraged Silk Drape
Erillion Winter Mantle
Hans' Precious Cord of Sweets
Iron Vestment of Control
Perak's Scarf
Scorned Epaulets of Diminutive Prestige
Shellscale Bone Fetish Necklace
Silbacle's Rosary of Conquest
Steely Vestment of the Grand Manipulator
String of Candied Gems
Striped Gnomish Epaulets
Supple Anger Enforced Drape
Tear-Drenched Pauldron
Tear-Stained Pauldron
Transistor Torque
Unlucky Hare's Foot
Very Unlucky Feral Hare's Foot