Spell: Myrmidon's Skill VIII


When cast on youYou become more aware of your opponent's movements.
When cast on other is more aware.
When fadingYour awareness returns to normal.
Casting time0 sec
Recovery time1.5 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration36 min (360 ticks)

Spell Effects

    6 : Effect type : Increase Chance to Dodge by 14%

Items with this spell:

Armor of Dark Rage
Arx Mentis Soldiers Pauldrons
Beastbinder's Drape
Behemoth's Pauldrons
Berserker King's Pauldrons
Blessed Coif of the Devoted
Bodybinder's Drape
brd shoulders
brd shoulders
bst shoulders
bst shoulders
Captain's Hammered Spaulders
Chitin Shoulderpads
Chronomage Shawl
clr shoulders
Combine Magician's Mantle
Cowl of Capacity
Cowl of the High Priest
Cowl of the Spiritseer
Creature Tamer's Pauldrons
Dark Storm Shawl
Dark-Ender, Hood of the Somnium Executioner
Darkwater Pauldrons
Decaying Leather Shoulderpads
Deepwalker Carapace Spaulders
Deepwater Shawl
Dimensional Warrior Gorget
Dirty Death Shroud
Divine Thunder Spaulders
Dreadful Carcanet of the Archgod
Dreadmail Shoulders
Drowned Sailor's Mantle
Earbinder's Drape
enc shoulders
enc shoulders
Ethernere Traveler Shoulderpad
Forgotten Juggernaut's Pauldrons
Frightful Mantle
Froglok Spectre Wrap
Ghostbeast Protectors
Gorget of the Centaur
Guardian's Shoulderpads
Herald's Shawl
King's Hide Pauldrons
Lost Mercenary's Pauldrons
Lost Minstrel's Shawl
Lowenn's Sagacious Mantle
Mantle of Captain's Command
Mantle of Change
mnk rng shoulders
mnk rng shoulders
Molten Pauldrons
Nalia's Spectacular Spaulders
Neckguard of Earthen Geomancy
Nightsky Pauldrons
Orange Chitin Shoulder Guards
Oxidized Silver Shoulderpads
Pauldron of Degmar
Pauldrons of Precision
Pauldrons of Pretense
Pauldrons of Putrescence
Pauldrons of the Marionette
Pauldrons of Thorns
Peacekeeper's Pauldrons
Pretext of Revelry
Rainfall Shawl
Ripped Ancient Shoulderpads
Ripped Shoulderpads
rog shoulders
rog shoulders
Rumbling Thunder Shawl
Runed Shawl
Runed Shawl of Vizat
Sage's Immaculate Linens
Seadog's Scarf
Shawl of the Heart's Depths
Shawl of the Stormwarden
shm bst shoulders
shm bst shoulders
shm bst shoulders
shm bst shoulders rare
shm nec shoulders
Shoulder Guards of Alarm
Skull Shoulderpad
Sparkbinder's Drape
Spear-Headed Spaulders
Spellbinder's Scarf
Steel Worker's Pauldrons
Stormguard Spaulders
Strifetorn Rebrace
Swiftbinder's Drape
Temple Cleric's Shawl
Temporal Soldier Chain Mantle
Thuliasaur Shawl
Thundering Rage Spaulders
Torflog's Spear-Headed Spaulders
Vizlix's Pauldrons of Pretense
Wanderer's Pauldrons
Warchanter's Shawl
White Sharkskin Pauldrons
wiz shoulders