Spell: Taelosian Guard


When others cast is surrounded in a Taelosian guard.
When cast on youA Taelosian guard surrounds you.
When fadingThe Taelosian guard fades.
Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration27 min (270 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Increase Haste v3 by 8%
    4 : Effect type : Increase Hitpoints by 8 per tick

Items with this spell:

Armethys' Guardian Ring
Authoritative Ring of the Core
Band of Subterfuge
Battleworn Gorget
Cloudburst Chainmail Mantle
Elaborate Band of the Devoted
Emerald Ring of Blight
Fearstraw Stuffing
Festering Clarity
Gestation Crystal Pendant
Hagorn's Mithril Doomcaller
Ilsin's Cloak
Intricate Band of Petrified Wood
Lucia's Power Focus
Moonstone Band of the Dark
Papercloth Choker
Paragon's Band of the Combatant
Ring of Forgotten Ancestors
Ring of Organic Darkness
Ring of the Veiled Eye
Ritual Blood Ring
Shiny Green Ring
Signet of the Vokk
Signet Ring of Vokk Raskk
Stormy Pauldrons of Lightning
Strifetorn Necklace
Thane Ring
Ulkat's Ring of Subterfuge