Spell: Form of Endurance XIV


When cast on youYour body takes on new endurance.
When cast on other's body takes on new endurance.
When fadingYour endurance fades.
Casting time3 sec
Recovery time1.5 sec
Recast time6 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration36 min (360 ticks)

Spell Effects

    5 : Effect type : Increase Max Hitpoints by 1260
    6 : Effect type : Screech by 1% (L80) to 0% (L80)

Items with this spell:

Arcing Lightning Mask
Bloodstained Faceguard
brd face
bst face
Coraline Faceplate
Cover of the Mythic Hunter
Dancer's Mask of Celebration
Darkwater Mask
Dead Man's Veil
Divine Thunder Mask
Dripping Mouthwrap
Echoing Mask of Unfettered Song
enc face
Eri`Shrah, Visage of Darkness
Freezing Stare of Contempt
Frozen Shadow Visor
Gladiator's Facemask
Glaring Stalwart Mask of Hatred
Guardian's Feral Visage
Guardian's Mask
Hardened Bark Band
Jawbone Guard
King's Mine Treasure
King's Minstrel's Ring
Living Anemone Mask
Mallard Mask
Mana Goggles
Mask of Fangs
Mask of Precision
Mask of the Carnifex
Mask of Thorns
Masquerading Mirror Mask
mnk rng face
Nightsky Mask
Rainfall Mask
Ransacking Cover of the Tribe
Reefmaw Carapace Mask
Regurgitated Mask
Resounding, Mask of Echoes
Righteous Band of Renewal
rog face
Rumbling Thunder Mask
Serpentskin Mask
Shifting Wind Mask
shm bst face
shm bst face
Stormguard Mask
Sturdy Face Guard of the Veteran
The Distracting Wink
The Empty Face
Thundering Rage Mask
Valley Lake Pearled Ring
Vicar's Mask
Vicar's Veil
Wanderer's Mask
war pal shd face