Spell: Prismatic Ward X


When cast on youYou are protected by a prismatic ward.
When cast on other is surrounded by a prismatic ward.
When fadingYour ward fades.
Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Increase All Resists by 80
    10 : Effect type : Increase AC by 1050

Items with this spell:

A Forsaken Soul
A Lost Soul
Ancient Reptile Bone
Archaic Flute
August Infused Glowbow
August Uninfused Glowbow
ber range
Blood Ritual Knife
Bone Shards of Venril Sathir
Book of Law
brd range
brd range
Brodha's Gaff Hook
bst range
clr range
clr range
Compendium of Antonican Creatures
Core of the Darkmud Keeper
Crystalized Lava Spike
Dark Storm Emblem
Darkwater Crystal
Dinosaur Hunter's Notes
enc range
Ensorcelled Doubloon
Flawless Autumn Leaf
Frozen Totem
Fused Coral Bow
Fused Coral Longbow
Gar'Theru, Bringer of Rewards
Gravedigging Shovel
Grawrarawr Carapace Shard
Grawrarawr's Heart
Heavenly Toadstool
Horn of Howling Horrors
Jonthan's Extensive Octavo
Lava Vial
Lizardman Stone Idol
Lockjaw's Femur
Longbow of the Royal Court
Lost Light of the House
Lucky Coin Pouch
mnk rng range
mnk rng range
Mug of Eternal Ale
Rainfall Emblem
rog range
Rumbling Thunder Emblem
Sailor's Gaff Hook
Scaled Bow of Fire
Second Sight Lantern
Shears of Fate
Shine, Fallen Star
shm bst range
shm bst range
shm bst range
shm bst range rare
shm nec range
shm nec range
Shuriken of Zan Fi
Siren's Hunting Bow
Siren's War Bow
Slimy Tentacle
Stix's Blade
Storm Heart Crystal
Storm Serpent's Sigil
Stormguard Sigil
Strange Arx Mentis Flask
Surefall Outrider Longbow
The Last Cigar
Thrum, Bow of the Stars
Thundering Rage Emblem
Timeworn Coin
Totem of the Scholar
Tribal Song Totem
Vreklen, Spire of Arcane Extraction
Vye`Lithiar, Varken's Longbow
Wand of the Deep Waters
war pal shd range
wiz range
Woodsman's Knife