Spell: Soothing Breath VIII
When cast on you | You exhale a soothing breath. |
When cast on other | exhales a soothing puff of breath. |
When fading | The soothing breath leaves you. |
Mana | 0 |
Casting time | 2.5 sec |
Recovery time | 1.5 sec |
Recast time | 0 sec |
Range | 0 |
Target | Self Only |
Resist | Unresistable |
Interruptable | Yes |
Duration | 27 min (270 ticks) |
8 : Effect type : Increase Mana by 55 per tick 10 : Effect type : Increase Hitpoints by 55 | Believer's Earring
Boneshard Trophy Earring
Earring of Erudition
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