Spell: Heal 40-70 L100


Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration3 hours 15 min (1950 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Focus: Spell Healing by 40% (L80) to 70% (L80)
    2 : Effect type : Limit: Max Level (100)
    3 : Effect type : Limit: Effect (Increase Hitpoints)
    4 : Effect type : Limit: Instant spells only
    5 : Effect type : Limit: Spell Type: Beneficial Only
    6 : Effect type : Limit: Spell(Complete Heal)
    7 : Effect type : Limit: Spell(Complete Heal)
    8 : Effect type : Limit: Effect (Increase Hitpoints excluded)
    9 : Effect type : Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Items with this spell:

Amaranthine Necklace
Bloodstained Neckguard
Collar Bone Neck Guard
Collar of the Wild
Deepcore's Barbed Ligature
Distorted Sleeves of the Diviner
Distorted Vambraces of the Light
Distorted Wristguard of the Tender
Dragonscale Gorget
Fear Laden Brace
Gentleman's Flair
Gorget of the Bosque Defender
Greken Fang Necklace
Holagato's Crescent Pendant
Icy Grasp
Icy Touch
Infused Telmira Pendant
Itkari's Beads of Defense
Necklace of Zalifur
Pendant of Strength
Petrified Erudite Heart Amulet
Polished Mithril Torque
Rat King's Teeth
Rosary of Thorns
Saggy Baggy Gorget
Shredded Scarf
Soloist Planar Chest Seal of the Healer
Soloist Planar Sleeve Seal of the Healer
Soloist Planar Wrist Seal of the Healer
Tainted Gorget
Tainted Saver of Lives
Upturned Collar