Spell: Beneficial Duration 26 L100


Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration3 hours 15 min (1950 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Focus: Spell Duration by 26%
    2 : Effect type : Limit: Max Level (100)
    3 : Effect type : Limit: Spell Type: Beneficial Only
    4 : Effect type : Limit: Effect (Complete Heal (with duration) excluded)
    5 : Effect type : Limit: Effect (Invunerability excluded)
    6 : Effect type : Limit: Min Duration (24 sec)
    7 : Effect type : Limit: Effect (Reaction Radius excluded)
    8 : Effect type : Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Items with this spell:

Algid Conjurer's Mantle
Arch Lich Sorcerer's Cloak
Archon's Cloak of the Umbra
Autarchian Cloak
ber back
Bone Brace
brd back
Bruke's Fur Lined Cloak
bst back
Cape of Filth
Cape of Midnight Mist
Carapace Cloak
Cloak of Bewitching Horror
Cloak of Bloody Scales
Cloak of Champions
Cloak of Enchanted Spikes
Cloak of Entrancing Terror
Cloak of Eyes
Cloak of Piercing Thorns
Cloak of Serenity
Cloak of the Battlefield
Cloak of the Ethernere
Cloak of the Ethernere's Touch
Cloak of the North
clr back
Doljek's Mantle of Ghost Thorns
Drape of Scientific Discovery
Drapings of the Wild
Dredged Hide
Duplicitous Cloak
Embroidered Death Shroud
enc back
Enraged Spirits Veil
Ethereal Mist of Acerbity
Filigreed Black Mantle
Fine Black Mantle
Fire-Singed Cloak
First Creation Harness
Flowing Rockweave Cloak
Gargoyle Hide Cloak
Gelden's Cape
Giant's Fuzzy Coat
Gladiator's Cape
Glittering Spellcloak
Gora's Flat Dress
Gosik's Wing
Heroes Cloak
Hooded Black Cloak
Innoruuk's Cloak of Hatred
Iridescent Carapace Cloak
Ixyl's Diabolical Pact
Javis' Cloak
Lich's Wrap
Mad Giant's Cloak
mnk rng back
Mudlord's Mantle
Neriak Dreadguard Cape
Nightmarish Cape
Oaken Spine Guard
Oklaric's Hide
Orc Warrior's Cape
Ossein Cloak
Painful Reminder
Queen's Silk Pall
Rockweave Cloak
rog back
Roon's Tunic
Ry'Gorr Mortis
Shadow Web Shawl
Shivering Witch's Cloak
shm bst back
shm bst back
shm bst back
shm bst back rare
shm nec back
Shoon's Hide Poncho
Silent Herald's Cloak
Silk Shissar Drape
Silken Cloak of Phantasm
Slitherscale Cloak
Slitherskin Mantle
Soggy Drape
Somewhat Useless Shawl
Steadfast Spirited Backplate
Stolen Traveler's Cloak
Tattered Scarecrow Cape
Tattered Scarecrow Cloak
Tentacle Flesh Cape
Terrorweave Cloak
Torishal's Shadow
Veil of Thorns
Vendor's Ribbons
Vile Fin Cloak
Vizlix's Duplicitous Cloak
war pal shd back
Weight of Few
Weight of Many
Wet Wave
Winterwarden's Backplate
wiz back
Woven Sapling Back Brace
Yetarr's Stonewall Cloak