Spell: Detrimental Range 27 L100


Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration3 hours 15 min (1950 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Focus: Spell Range by 27%
    2 : Effect type : Limit: Max Level (100)
    3 : Effect type : Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
    4 : Effect type : Limit: Spell Type: Detrimental Only

Items with this spell:

Apexus Armor Faceplate
Bat's Visage
Bellikos' Grin
ber face
Bixie Celebration Mask
Bixie Face Mask
Blood of the Champion
Bloodstone Eyepatch
Braintaster's Mess
brd face
bst face
Cover of the Mythic Hunter
Cracked Gnaga Mask
Crystal Visor
Deathwing's Facade
Dirt-Covered Veil
Distorting Crystal Grimace
Dried Nictitating Membrane
Echoing Mask of Unfettered Song
Egg Shell Mask
enc face
enc face
Enchanted Honey Mask
Engraved Butterfly Faceguard
Eye of Klonda
Fabrege Visor
Face of Dread
Face of Menace
Fine Linen Facewrap
Freezing Stare of Contempt
Frightening Mask
Frostdweller's Face Warmer
Gatekeeper's Visage
Gemmed Bauta Mask
Glacial Demon Visage
Glacier Giant's Guise
Glaring Stalwart Mask of Hatred
Glimpse of the Ethernere
Gore Shield
Grinder's Debris Shield
Guardian's Combat Eyegear
Guardian's Feral Visage
Guise of Dark Lies
Guise of White Lies
Hardened Lurker Visage
Hidden Visage of the Avatar
Honeywing's Facemask
Hooked Horns
Infused Thread
Knot-Ridden Mask
Krondal's Mask
Krondal's Visage of Far-sightedness
Lens of Inspiration
Liquid Crystal Mask
Makeshift Mask
Malignant Visage of the Avatar
Mark of Mourning
Mask of Terror
Mask of the Scaremonger
Mask of the Slain
Mask of the Terrortangler
Mask of Unending Rage
Masque of the Muse
Masque of the Silent Song
Masquerading Mirror Mask
Metal Guardian Mask
mnk rng face
mnk rng face
Moth Mask
Obscuring Pane
Ocululor's Nictitating Membrane
Oculus of Death
Petrified Mask
Polished Mithril Mask
Princess' Guard
Ransacking Cover of the Tribe
Reversible Moth Mask
rog face
rog face
Sappy Mask
Shimmering Veil
shm bst face
shm bst face
shm bst face
shm bst face rare
Slit Skull
Spidersilk Dread Mask
Spiked Guard
Steppewalker's Aspect
Stone Mask of Mindseep
Strange Horned Mask
Striped Bandit Mask
Sturdy Face Guard of the Veteran
Temporal Assassin's Mask
The Blessed Guise of Doranur
The Distracting Wink
The Empty Face
The Monarch's Pattern
Tiger's Visage
Tumified Victim's Face
Veil of Anonymity
Veil of Clarity
Veil of Sacrifice
Veil of Sorrow
Vengeful Mask
Visage of the Prophet
Visage of the Raging Beast
Visage of the Wild
Visor of Triumph
war pal shd face
war pal shd face
war pal shd face only
Warm Wyvern Blood
Wondrous Mask
Xanture's Lens of Untold Secrets