Spell: Beneficial Haste 30 L100


Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration3 hours 15 min (1950 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Focus: Spell Haste by 30%
    2 : Effect type : Limit: Max Level (100)
    3 : Effect type : Limit: Spell(Complete Heal)
    4 : Effect type : Limit: Min Casting Time (3 sec)
    5 : Effect type : Limit: Effect (Increase Hitpoints excluded)
    6 : Effect type : Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
    7 : Effect type : Limit: Spell Type: Beneficial Only

Items with this spell:

Apocryphal Dragonbrood Boots
Apocryphal Exarch Boots
Apocryphal Flameweaver Sandals
Apocryphal Frostfire Sandals
Apocryphal Illuminator Boots
Apocryphal Lifewalker Boots
Apocryphal Mindlock Sandals
Apocryphal Natureward Boots
Apocryphal Soulrender Boots
Apocryphal Soulslaver Sandals
Apocryphal Spiritwalker Boots
Boots of the Dead Dream
Boots of the Destroyer
Dreadweave Dragonbrood Boots
Dreadweave Exarch Boots
Dreadweave Flameweaver Sandals
Dreadweave Frostfire Sandals
Dreadweave Illuminator Boots
Dreadweave Lifewalker Boots
Dreadweave Mindlock Sandals
Dreadweave Natureward Boots
Dreadweave Soulrender Boots
Dreadweave Soulslaver Sandals
Dreadweave Spiritwalker Boots
Elegist's Boots of the Hushed
Fearlinked Chain Boot Seal of the Seafarer
Fearlinked Chain Helm Seal of the Seafarer
Fearlinked Chain Leg Seal of the Seafarer
Fearlinked Leather Boot Seal of the Seafarer
Fearlinked Plate Boot Seal of the Seafarer
Fearlinked Plate Chest Seal of the Seafarer
Fearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Seafarer
Fearlinked Plate Helm Seal of the Seafarer
Fearlinked Plate Leg Seal of the Seafarer
Fearlinked Plate Wrist Seal of the Seafarer
Fearlinked Silk Boot Seal of the Seafarer
Fearlinked Silk Helm Seal of the Seafarer
Gelid Dragonbrood Boots
Gelid Exarch Boots
Gelid Flameweaver Sandals
Gelid Frostfire Sandals
Gelid Illuminator Boots
Gelid Lifewalker Boots
Gelid Mindlock Sandals
Gelid Natureward Boots
Gelid Soulrender Boots
Gelid Soulslaver Sandals
Gelid Spiritwalker Boots
Mithril Boots
Normando's Boots of Insanity
Silvershade Dragonbrood Boots
Silvershade Exarch Boots
Silvershade Flameweaver Sandals
Silvershade Frostfire Sandals
Silvershade Illuminator Boots
Silvershade Lifewalker Boots
Silvershade Mindlock Sandals
Silvershade Natureward Boots
Silvershade Soulrender Boots
Silvershade Soulslaver Sandals
Silvershade Spiritwalker Boots
Suppressed Etheric Dragonbrood Boots
Suppressed Etheric Exarch Boots
Suppressed Etheric Flameweaver Sandals
Suppressed Etheric Frostfire Sandals
Suppressed Etheric Illuminator Boots
Suppressed Etheric Lifewalker Boots
Suppressed Etheric Mindlock Sandals
Suppressed Etheric Natureward Boots
Suppressed Etheric Soulrender Boots
Suppressed Etheric Soulslaver Sandals
Suppressed Etheric Spiritwalker Boots
Tvenken's Slippers of Silence