Spell: Detrimental Haste 18 L100


Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration3 hours 15 min (1950 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Focus: Spell Haste by 18%
    2 : Effect type : Limit: Max Level (100)
    3 : Effect type : Limit: Spell(Complete Heal)
    4 : Effect type : Limit: Min Casting Time (3 sec)
    5 : Effect type : Limit: Effect (Increase Hitpoints excluded)
    6 : Effect type : Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
    7 : Effect type : Limit: Spell Type: Detrimental Only

Items with this spell:

Alacritous Greaves
Boreal Greaves of the Light
Boreal Greaves of the Revenant
Boreal Greaves of the Zealot
Boreal Leggings of the Diviner
Boreal Leggings of the Fang
Boreal Leggings of the Tender
Boreal Leggings of the Warden
Boreal Pants of Compulsion
Boreal Pants of the Conjuror
Boreal Pants of the Exhumer
Boreal Pants of the Frozen Flame
Chain Leggings of the Stalker
Chronomage Trousers
Crescent Slacks
Dimensional Warrior Greaves
Distorted Greaves of the Light
Distorted Greaves of the Revenant
Distorted Greaves of the Zealot
Distorted Leggings of the Diviner
Distorted Leggings of the Fang
Distorted Leggings of the Tender
Distorted Leggings of the Warden
Distorted Pants of Compulsion
Distorted Pants of the Conjuror
Distorted Pants of the Exhumer
Distorted Pants of the Frozen Flame
Ethernere Traveler Pants
Frightweave Greaves of the Light
Frightweave Greaves of the Revenant
Frightweave Greaves of the Zealot
Frightweave Leggings of the Diviner
Frightweave Leggings of the Fang
Frightweave Leggings of the Tender
Frightweave Leggings of the Warden
Frightweave Pants of Compulsion
Frightweave Pants of the Conjuror
Frightweave Pants of the Exhumer
Frightweave Pants of the Frozen Flame
Last Light Bolters
Latent Etheric Greaves of the Light
Latent Etheric Greaves of the Revenant
Latent Etheric Greaves of the Zealot
Latent Etheric Leggings of the Diviner
Latent Etheric Leggings of the Fang
Latent Etheric Leggings of the Tender
Latent Etheric Leggings of the Warden
Latent Etheric Pants of Compulsion
Latent Etheric Pants of the Conjuror
Latent Etheric Pants of the Exhumer
Latent Etheric Pants of the Frozen Flame
Leggings of Bestial Swiftness
Messenger Rider's Tasset
Mithril Greaves
Plaguebearer's Slacks
Soloist Planar Chest Seal of the Traveler
Soloist Planar Chest Seal of the Venturer
Soloist Planar Legging Seal of the Traveler
Soloist Planar Legging Seal of the Venturer
Tasset of the Underworld
Temporal Soldier Leggings
Twilight Greaves of the Light
Twilight Greaves of the Revenant
Twilight Greaves of the Zealot
Twilight Leggings of the Diviner
Twilight Leggings of the Fang
Twilight Leggings of the Tender
Twilight Leggings of the Warden
Twilight Pants of Compulsion
Twilight Pants of the Conjuror
Twilight Pants of the Exhumer
Twilight Pants of the Frozen Flame