Spell: Detrimental Mana Pres 17 L100


Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration3 hours 15 min (1950 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1% (L80) to 17% (L80)
    2 : Effect type : Limit: Max Level (100)
    3 : Effect type : Limit: Spell(Complete Heal)
    4 : Effect type : Limit: Effect (Increase Hitpoints excluded)
    5 : Effect type : Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
    6 : Effect type : Limit: Spell Type: Detrimental Only

Items with this spell:

Ageless Spaulders
Aiming Brace
Alluring Drape
Amorphous Hide
Ancient Pauldrons of Power
Armor of Dark Rage
Articular Plating
Banded Bone Shoulders
Banescale Pauldrons
Banescale Shoulderpads
Berserker King's Pauldrons
Bestial Shoulderpads
Black Chitin Shoulders
Bladed Shoulder Blades
Blessed Coif of the Devoted
Bloodsoaked Gladiator's Pauldrons
brd shoulders
brd shoulders
bst shoulders
bst shoulders
Bubbling Shoulderpads
Carnal Pauldrons
Chitin Shoulderpads
Chronomage Shawl
clr shoulders
Cold Shoulder
Component Shoulders
Cowl of the Spiritseer
Creature Tamer's Pauldrons
Crested Spaulders
Decaying Leather Shoulderpads
Dexterous Shoulderguards
Dimensional Warrior Gorget
Dirty Death Shroud
Divoted Pauldrons of Endless Mist
Dreadmail Shoulders
enc shoulders
enc shoulders
Ethernere Traveler Shoulderpad
Fey Swarm Shawl
Flesh-Wrapped Shoulder Blades
Forgotten Juggernaut's Pauldrons
Frightful Mantle
Froglok Spectre Wrap
Frost Spikes Pauldrons
Frostdweller's Shawl
Gloom Mane
Heavy Metal Spaulders
Herald's Shawl
Ice Plate Shoulderguards
Icescale Cloak
Jenrenee's Shoulder Guards
Kalken's Black Shroud of the Valley
Kreztik's Precognition
Kreztik's Presage
Kyenka's Tuned Spaulders
Lost Mercenary's Pauldrons
Lost Minstrel's Shawl
Lucid Shoulderpads
Mane of Congealed Revulsion
Mantle of Change
Mantle of Iciclane
Mantle of the Mastermind
Marcy's Mantle
mnk rng shoulders
mnk rng shoulders
Oxidized Silver Shoulderpads
Pauldrons of Pretense
Pauldrons of Rage
Periodic Spaulders
Polished Lucid Shoulderpads
Rigid Undergrowth
rog shoulders
rog shoulders
Rooting Weight
Royal Rescue Pauldrons
Runed Shawl
Scrap shoulders
Shaman Goliath's Spaulders
Shard-Imbued Shoulders
Shard-Infused Shoulders
Shawl of the Heart's Depths
Shifting Shoulderpads
Shissar Overseer's Pauldrons
Shissar Scaled Shoulders
shm bst shoulders
shm bst shoulders
shm bst shoulders
shm bst shoulders rare
shm nec shoulders
Shoulderpads of Alertness
Silent Treatment
Skull Shoulderpad
Songspinner's Shoulderguard
Spaulders of the Agile Mind
Spear-Headed Spaulders
Spellbinder's Scarf
Steppewalker's Shoulder Pads
Temporal Soldier Chain Mantle
Torflog's Spear-Headed Spaulders
Vizlix's Pauldrons of Pretense
Weight of the Wild
wiz shoulders
Zavitar's Plated Pauldrons