Spell: Heal 45-70 L100


Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration3 hours 15 min (1950 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Focus: Spell Healing by 45% (L80) to 70% (L80)
    2 : Effect type : Limit: Max Level (100)
    3 : Effect type : Limit: Effect (Increase Hitpoints)
    4 : Effect type : Limit: Instant spells only
    5 : Effect type : Limit: Spell Type: Beneficial Only
    6 : Effect type : Limit: Spell(Complete Heal)
    7 : Effect type : Limit: Spell(Complete Heal)
    8 : Effect type : Limit: Effect (Increase Hitpoints excluded)
    9 : Effect type : Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Items with this spell:

Amulet of Anger
Barbed Moonstone Choker
Battleworn Gorget
Chain Wrapped Gorget
Deathfist's Amulet of Anger
Dimensional Warrior Vambraces
Dripping Torque
Ethernere Traveler Bracer
Fearstraw Stuffing
Frightweave Sleeves of the Diviner
Frightweave Vambraces of the Light
Frightweave Wristguard of the Tender
Gestation Crystal Pendant
Glask's Pendant of Cazic-Thule
Krask's Amulet
Lost Harbinger Necklace
Medallion of Shadows
Moonstone Choker
Necklace of Bones
Necklace of Dark Beauty
Necklace of the Phantasm
Pale Silken Kerchief
Polished Shadowsteel Gorget
Red-Gemmed Amulet
Shadowsteel Gorget
Spiky Choker
Sturdy Gorget
Temporal Soldier Sleeves
Twilight Sleeves of the Diviner
Twilight Vambraces of the Light
Twilight Wristguard of the Tender