Spell: Prismatic Ward XV


When cast on youYou are protected by a prismatic ward.
When cast on other is surrounded by a prismatic ward.
When fadingYour ward fades.
Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Increase All Resists by 90
    10 : Effect type : Increase AC by 1390

Items with this spell:

Aylinvar, Longbow of the Sol`Dal
Beacon of Lost Souls
Brigand's Finger Bones
Brilliant Sphere of Understanding
Buccaneer's Canteen
Burning Brand of War
Corsair's Golden Coin
Donal's Teacup of Mourning
Freebooter's Coconut
Incursio, Bow of the Iron Storm
Khati Sha's Favorite Brush
Liquid Rage
Longbow of Intermittent Flame
Marauder's Shovel
Morden's Lucky Knife
Orb of Timeless Night
Privateer's Silver Coin
Repository of Courage
Sionachie's Soup Spoon
Solution of Unfreezing Ice
Sprouting Bo Staff of Ton Po
The Perfect Stout