Spell: What a Great Experience Rk. 346


When cast on youIs beaming with joy!
Casting time3 sec
Recovery time1.5 sec
Recast time1.5 sec
TargetGroup v2
Duration1 hour 12 min (720 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : by 346
    2 : Effect type : Block new spell if slot -52 is effect '' and <0

    Items with this spell:

    Apothic Crown
    Blighted Skullcap
    Carmine Turban
    Crypt-Hunter's Exarch Helm
    Crypt-Hunter's Flameweaver Cap
    Crypt-Hunter's Frostfire Cap
    Crypt-Hunter's Lifewalker Cowl
    Crypt-Hunter's Mindlock Cap
    Crypt-Hunter's Soulrender Helm
    Crypt-Hunter's Spiritwalker Coif
    Ethereal Mist Helm
    Insidious Halo
    Rune Etched Helm
    Sword of Experience Rk. 346
    Thorny Vine Helm
    Umbral Platemail Helm
    Valorium Helmet
    Vermiculated Crown