Spell: Sneak Attack
Classes | Rogue (20) |
When cast on you | You take careful aim at your opponent. |
When cast on other | grins evilly and takes aim. |
Mana | 0 |
Skill | BACKSTAB |
Casting time | 0 sec |
Recovery time | 0 sec |
Recast time | 30 sec |
Range | 200 |
Hate Generated | 1 |
Target | Self Only |
Resist | Unresistable |
Interruptable | No |
Duration | 18 sec (3 ticks) |
1 : Effect type : Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 10000% 2 : Effect type : Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 50% 3 : Effect type : Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 40% 4 : Effect type : Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 200% | Tome of Sneak Attack