Spell: Nullify Magic


Classes Cleric (38), Paladin (58), Ranger (58), Shadowknight (58), Druid (43), Shaman (44), Necromancer (37), Wizard (34), Magician (32), Enchanter (28), Beastlord (58)
When cast on youYou feel dispelled.
When cast on other feels dispelled.
Casting time4.5 sec
Recovery time1.5 sec
Recast time6 sec
TargetSingle Target

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Cancel Magic (4)
    2 : Effect type : Cancel Magic (4)

    Items with this spell:

    10 Dose Greater Potion of Negation
    10 Doses of Hathcoat's Spirit
    5 Dose Greater Potion of Negation
    5 Dose Potion of Hathcoat's Spirit
    Aged Staff of Null
    Bracer of Deception
    Crazy Cleric Gauntlets
    Crystallized Pumice
    Egg-Shaped Pumice
    Greater Potion of Negation
    Hoop of Emptiness
    Kijarl's Ring of Negation
    Maleficent Gloves
    Mischievous Dazzler Gloves
    Monkey Hide Gauntlets
    Nyahlia's Nullifier
    Philter of Major Negation
    Piranha Scale Wristwrap
    Potion of Hathcoat's Spirit
    Rough Pumice
    Rulnavis` Ring of Negation
    Shamanistic Shenanigan Gauntlets
    Sly Summoners Gloves
    Spell: Nullify Magic
    Spell: Nullify Magic
    Spell: Nullify Magic
    Spell: Nullify Magic
    Spell: Nullify Magic
    Twisted Nature Gloves
    Wily Warlock Gloves

    NPCs that use this spell: