Spell: Distillate of Antidote


When cast on youYou are infused with an aura of antidote.
When cast on other is infused with an aura of antidote.
Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Decrease Poison Counter by 16
    2 : Effect type : Decrease Poison Counter by 16
    3 : Effect type : Decrease Poison Counter by 16
    4 : Effect type : Decrease Poison Counter by 16

Items with this spell:

Distillate of Antidote I
Distillate of Antidote II
Distillate of Antidote III
Distillate of Antidote IV
Distillate of Antidote IX
Distillate of Antidote V
Distillate of Antidote VI
Distillate of Antidote VII
Distillate of Antidote VIII
Distillate of Antidote X
Distillate of Antidote XI
Distillate of Antidote XII
Distillate of Antidote XIII
Distillate of Antidote XIV
Distillate of Antidote XV
Distillate of Antidote XVI
Distillate of Antidote XVII