Spell: Aura of Pure Arcanum
When cast on you | You are covered by an aura of black runes. |
When cast on other | is covered by an aura of black runes. |
When fading | The black runes drift away. |
Mana | 0 |
Casting time | 0 sec |
Recovery time | 0 sec |
Recast time | 0 sec |
Range | 100 |
Target | Self Only |
Resist | Unresistable |
Interruptable | Yes |
Duration | 36 min (360 ticks) |
3 : Effect type : Increase All Resists by 50 4 : Effect type : Block new spell if slot -52 is effect 'Increase Fire Resist' and <0 5 : Effect type : Block new spell if slot -52 is effect 'Increase Cold Resist' and <0 7 : Effect type : Block new spell if slot -52 is effect 'Increase Poison Resist' and <0 8 : Effect type : Block new spell if slot -52 is effect 'Increase Disease Resist' and <0 9 : Effect type : Block new spell if slot -52 is effect 'Increase Magic Resist' and <0 | Ancient Werewolf Skull
Crown of the Froglok Kings
Skull of the Den Lord
The Skull of Den Lord Rakban