Succor point : 1146 / 495 / 12


ListName Class Race Level
Bale Warrior 97
Blackwort Warrior 97
Braxi Keeper Yubai Warrior 97
Breinne Warrior 97
Elder Giaborn Warrior 97
Elder Hilnaah Warrior 97
Elder Poanag Warrior 97
Hunter Bindani Warrior 93
Kalda Treg Warrior 95
King of the Crocodiles Warrior Crocodile 97
King Rex Warrior Raptor 98
Klar Warrior 97
Mea Treg Warrior 93
Slaughter Warrior Wyvern 98
Swiftwind Warrior 98
Wart Warrior 97
Yahnoa Warrior 97
Yurv Warrior 97
an aggressive prowler Warrior Puma 96
an Alaran gatherer Warrior 93
an Alaran hunter Warrior 93
an Alaran warrior Warrior 93
an Alaran wilder Warrior 93
an ancient izon Warrior Treant 96
an empowered crocodile Warrior Crocodile 95
an izon Warrior Treant 93
an izon rootgrabber Warrior Treant 94
an okiina vinethrasher Warrior Shambling Mound 96
a binaesa Warrior Snake 93
a bloodthirsty wyvern Warrior Wyvern 94
a bonfire Warrior Campfire 97
a braxi Warrior 93
a braxi fungus seeker Warrior 94
a braxi junglerunner Warrior 96
a braxi leafleaper Warrior 93
a braxi swiftrunner Warrior 94
a colossal crocodile Warrior Crocodile 96
a deadly bristlepoint weed Warrior Medium Plant 1
a domain hunter Warrior 93
a fierce wyvern Warrior Wyvern 94
a filthy ape Warrior Gorilla 93
a foul bristlepoint weed Warrior Medium Plant 1
a giant binaesa Warrior Snake 96
a goral hunter Warrior 93
a goral leafstalker Warrior 93
a goral predator Warrior 96
a goral scavenger Warrior 94
a goral striker Warrior 94
a grendlaen Warrior 93
a grendlaen pouncer Warrior 96
a harrowed Gigglegibber Goblin Warrior Goblin 50
a hungry predator Warrior Crocodile 93
a hungry raptor Warrior Raptor 93
a jaguar Warrior Puma 30
a lashtail crocodile Warrior Crocodile 94
a loathsome ape Warrior Gorilla 96
a monstrous wyvern Warrior Wyvern 96
a naeya scavenger Warrior Wolf 96
a pensive prowler Warrior Puma 93
a poisonous bristlepoint weed Warrior Medium Plant 1
a primeval crocodile Warrior Crocodile 93
a prowler Warrior Puma 94
a ravenous wyvern Warrior Wyvern 96
a ripclaw raptor Warrior Raptor 94
a selyrah forestwalker Warrior 93
a selyrah leaper Warrior 94
a selyrah logleaper Warrior 96
a selyrah scavenger Warrior 93
a selyrah treejumper Warrior 94
a sentry stone Warrior 99
a sick braxi Warrior 93
a skiddish braxi Warrior 25
a slithering binaesa Warrior Snake 94
a spider Warrior Spider Mount 30
a stealthy grendlaen Warrior 94
a tainted ape Warrior Gorilla 94
a tame braxi Warrior 93
a terrible raptor Warrior Raptor 96
a vicious wyvern Warrior Wyvern 93
a voracious raptor Warrior Raptor 94
a warhorse Warrior Horse 30
a wilting bristlepoint weed Warrior Medium Plant 1
a wyvern deathstalker Warrior Wyvern 93
a wyvern preystalker Warrior Wyvern 94
a wyvern scent tracker Warrior Wyvern 93
Beasts Passage Warrior Blind Dreamer 100
Borat Warrior Human 71
Etani Treg Warrior 97
FSP-General-NoEffect Warrior Campfire 1
great dark ape Warrior Gorilla 95
Jayt Steed Warrior Elddar 95
Jheron Welson Warrior Forest Giant 95
Kar of the Domain Clan Warrior 97
Patches Ohoolihan Cleric Human 80
Rocher Hampstin Wizard Brell 95
Stephen Strange Wizard High Elf 70
Supplies Warrior Stone Jug 97
The Sklyg Warrior Satyr 95
Velgrath Ironhide Merchant Dwarf 90


  • Beasts' Domain Bestiary List
  • Beasts' Domain Named Mobs List
  • Beasts' Domain Equipment List
  • Beasts' Domain Spawn Groups
  • Beasts' Domain Forageable items