The Crypt of Decay (codecay)

Succor point : -170 / -65 / -93


ListName Class Race Level
COD Trigger Warrior Teleport Man 80
Overlord Banord Paffa Warrior Diseased Fiend 70
Spectre of Corruption Warrior Banshee 70
Carprin Deatharn Shadowknight Knight of Pestilence 70
a corpse scavenger Warrior Pusling 46
a scrounging rat Warrior Bubonian Underling 46
Barban Cryptwalker Warrior Lepertoloth 65
Bubonian Death Caster Necromancer Bubonian Underling 62
Bubonian Great Mystic Shaman Bubonian Underling 62
Bubonian Mystic Shaman Bubonian Underling 60
Bubonian Warlord Warrior Bubonian Underling 62
Bubonian War Rat Warrior Bubonian Underling 60
Corrupted Knight Warrior Knight of Pestilence 60
Corrupted Pusling Warrior Pusling 60
Crazed Bubonian Berzerker Warrior Bubonian Underling 62
Deathbone Magus Necromancer Lepertoloth 60
Death Knight Shadowknight Knight of Pestilence 60
Elite Corrupted Knight Warrior Knight of Pestilence 61
Elite Death Knight Shadowknight Knight of Pestilence 61
Firebone Magus Wizard Lepertoloth 60
Foul Pusling Warrior Pusling 60
Greater Corrupted Pusling Warrior Pusling 61
Greater Foul Pusling Warrior Pusling 61
Greater Pusling Warrior Pusling 61
Knight of Decay Shadowknight Knight of Pestilence 62
Pestilence Archon Cleric Lepertoloth 61
Pestilence Priest Cleric Lepertoloth 60
Plague Lord Hetral Shadowknight Bubonian 64
Priest of Decay Cleric Lepertoloth 62
Summoner of Bertoxxulous Warrior Banshee 1


  • The Crypt of Decay Bestiary List
  • The Crypt of Decay Named Mobs List
  • The Crypt of Decay Equipment List
  • The Crypt of Decay Spawn Groups
  • The Crypt of Decay Forageable items