Succor point : -3492 / 180 / 15


ListName Class Race Level
Derin Mausrel Paladin Erudite 40
Almon Juliao Merchant Half Elf 40
Altunic Jartin Merchant Human 20
a bixie Ranger Bixie 1
a black bear Warrior Bear 5
a black wolf Warrior Wolf 1
a Broken Claw bandit Shadowknight Troll 14
a darkweed snake Warrior Snake 9
a Dervish Cutthroat Rogue Human 10
a ghoul Warrior Ghoul 17
a giant rattlesnake Warrior Snake 11
a giant spider Warrior Spider 8
a griffin Warrior Griffin 36
a hill giant Warrior Giant 36
a kodiak Warrior Bear 14
a large piranha Warrior Piranha 14
a large rattlesnake Warrior Snake 7
a lesser mummy Warrior Mummy 10
a nightfall giant Warrior Giant 34
a plains cat Warrior Puma 6
a puma Warrior Puma 7
a rattlesnake Warrior Snake 7
a sand scarab hatchling Warrior Beetle 5
a shadow wolf Warrior Wolf 4
A Shady Swashbuckler Merchant Human 45
a skeleton Warrior Skeleton 4
a spiderling Warrior Spider 1
a wandering zombie Warrior Zombie 19
a willowisp Warrior Will-O-Wisp 11
a young kodiak Warrior Bear 9
a young puma Warrior Puma 4
a zombie Warrior Zombie 9
Badlen Gellentine Warrior Gnome 50
Badoo Zumlar Merchant Troll 40
Barstre Songweaver Bard Half Elf 65
Bealya Tanilsuia Paladin Dwarf 65
Brizzenoth Scyth Warrior Dark Elf 50
Bubar Merchant Human 45
Calemia Slith Warrior Human 50
Cedric Bramblethorn Merchant Wood Elf 40
Cei Sunjumper Ranger Human 30
Celni Pawfoot Merchant Vah Shir 40
Chaenz Abella Warrior Erudite 65
Dena Loommistress Merchant Human 50
Dooruden Fallstine Warrior Human 50
Druanna Vorana Warrior Human 50
Elin Lightblade Merchant Human 40
Entock Malso Merchant Erudite 60
Farrengen Mithfinder Warrior Dwarf 50
Fellentaya Sentrak Warrior Dark Elf 50
Gamanan Drugo Warrior Troll 50
Gantran Leafwell Warrior Wood Elf 50
Germe Threadspinner Merchant Human 45
Getallan Drakay Warrior Human 50
Greemi Draygoon Warrior Ogre 50
Grishna Vriensa Merchant Vah Shir 40
Guard Colin Warrior Guard 29
Guard Deisnak Warrior Guard 13
Guard Eridals Warrior Guard 11
Guard Fefslan Warrior Guard 13
Guard Gnoosals Warrior Guard 12
Guard Reskin Warrior Guard 25
Guard Teridsan Warrior Guard 11
Guard Tolus Warrior Guard 25
Guard Valon Warrior Guard 30
Guard Walorinags Warrior Guard 11
High Chief Diedridans Warrior Orc 12
High Chief Fosloas Warrior Orc 12
High Chief Kellerus Warrior Orc 12
Initiate Firansad GM Monk Human 12
Innkeep Blaise Merchant Human 30
Innkeep Calen Merchant Human 45
Innkeep Dolman Merchant Human 30
Innkeep Elora Merchant Human 45
Innkeep Fenia Merchant Human 45
Innkeep Harold Merchant Human 30
Innkeep Juna Merchant Human 30
Innkeep Leo Merchant Human 45
Innkeep Olissa Merchant Human 30
Innkeep Redthorn Merchant Human 45
Innkeep Roster Merchant Human 30
Innkeep Seke Merchant Human 45
Jahsohn Aksot Magician Human 29
Jelda Needlefinger Merchant Human 45
Joryd Longarms Merchant Human 45
Katha Firespinner Merchant Erudite 30
Kathi Norman Warrior Human 25
Kayci Strahtin Beastlord Vah Shir 65
Kehn Kohski Adventure Merchant Human 70
Khaite Ranna Warrior Dark Elf 65
Kizdean Gix Shadowknight Dark Elf 17
Lisill Sithmoor Warrior Human 50
Loric Weaver Merchant Human 45
Luarnn Gibbizt Warrior Froglok 65
Lyth Spellstar Merchant Human 30
Magus Zeir Merchant Human 60
Maula Fishcatcher Merchant Barbarian 45
Merra Clayfinger Merchant Human 45
Metha Wintersong Ranger Human 30
Modren Fishcatcher Warrior Barbarian 7
Mojax Hikspin Warrior Human 3
Nalla Warrior Wood Elf 50
Niatra Glimtaf Druid Halfling 65
Noresa Sparkle Merchant Human 16
Olin Helni Merchant Human 40
Opal Woodchopper Merchant Human 45
orc apprentice Shaman Orc 3
orc centurion Warrior Orc 8
orc legionnaire Warrior Orc 11
orc oracle Shaman Orc 8
orc pawn Warrior Orc 1
orc weaponsmith Warrior Orc 10
Palik Agrolm Merchant High Elf 65
Pardor the Blessed Merchant Human 30
Parthar Merchant Human 30
Parus the Strong Merchant Human 45
Periac Windfell Adventure Recruiter Barbarian 70
Peron ThreadSpinner Merchant Human 45
Ponila Quickfingers Merchant Human 30
Ranon Strongarm Merchant Human 45
Ranvigoz Tonsmith Warrior Dwarf 29
Rinna Lightshadow GM Cleric Human 61
Romya Merchant Human 50
Ruby Boxcrafter Merchant Human 50
Rushka Deklamoor Merchant Erudite 60
Selendia Geogo Warrior Barbarian 50
Sergeant Ragus Warrior Guard 50
Sergeant Slate Warrior Guard 41
Shadow Treebright Druid Half Elf 30
Simon Aldicott Cleric Human 65
Skipynn Stoneheart Warrior Human 6
Slea Pinewhisper Merchant Human 45
Sorsha Barrowfriend Merchant Human 50
Soulbinder Jubbl Warrior Froglok 65
Staranna Eisley Warrior Wood Elf 50
Tallik Jaggedfire Merchant Erudite 65
Timtok Tonsmith Warrior Dwarf 30
Uyennli V`Drimw Adventure Merchant Dark Elf 70
Uzmanya Zsiksta Warrior Iksar 65
Voris Flatblade Merchant Barbarian 40
Vuli Greenwhisper Druid Half Elf 30
Wallin Slyfoot Warrior Halfling 25
Wilno Lilin Merchant Human 40
Xernic Gutner Merchant Gnome 40


  • The Commonlands Bestiary List
  • The Commonlands Named Mobs List
  • The Commonlands Equipment List
  • The Commonlands Spawn Groups
  • The Commonlands Forageable items