Succor point : 1358 / -1030 / -572


ListName Class Race Level
Arturos, Trainer of Bats Merchant Vampire 72
Doorman Warrior Zombie 70
Elizabeth Duncan Warrior Vampire 72
Funerary Curate Warrior Skeleton 74
Gronk One-Eye Warrior Orc 75
Hsranitu the Webspinner Warrior Drachnid 70
Katina Duncan Warrior Vampire 72
Keleborn Redwave Cleric Dark Elf 76
Leavor L`Eriat Merchant Dark Elf 74
Master Vule the Silent Tear Warrior Vampire 80
Melion Pell, Minor Functionary Warrior Erudite 70
One-Hundred Eyes Warrior Drachnid 74
The Official Cataloguer Warrior Skeleton 73
The Quartet Warrior Dervish 70
Vivisector Warrior Drachnid 74
an aid to the Seneschal Warrior Skeleton 70
an orcish manservant Warrior Orc 72
an underling Magician Orc 72
Ariahn Teller Warrior Vampire 72
a ballroom dancer Warrior Vampire 72
a batling Rogue Bat 1
a chirurgeon Shaman Orc 72
a curious guest Warrior Gnome 60
a Deep Orc battlecaster Magician Orc 73
a Deep Orc brute Warrior Orc 73
a Deep Orc diviner Shaman Orc 73
a dinner guest Warrior Human 60
a drachnid backslicer Rogue Drachnid 73
a drachnid deathbringer Shadowknight Drachnid 73
a drachnid manslayer Warrior Drachnid 73
a drachnid mindbender Enchanter Drachnid 73
a drachnid researcher Rogue Drachnid 73
a drachnid ritualist Necromancer Drachnid 73
a drachnid spiritualist Cleric Drachnid 73
a drachnid theurgist Necromancer Drachnid 73
a drained corpse Warrior Human 1
a gargoyle Warrior Gargoyle 72
a grayfang bat Warrior Bat 72
a guest of Dreadspire Warrior Dark Elf 60
a lifeless corpse Warrior Dark Elf 1
a longfang bat Rogue Bat 73
a pile of rotting bones Warrior Skeleton 72
a rampaging bonewalker Warrior Skeleton 73
a rat Warrior Rat 1
a reanimated elementalist Magician Zombie 73
a resident of Dreadspire Warrior Vampire 72
a resting Dreadspire resident Warrior Vampire 73
a rotting bookkeeper Shadowknight Zombie 73
a servant Warrior Orc 72
a shadowmane hopeful Cleric Werewolf 72
a shadowmane lorekeeper Warrior Werewolf 72
a shadowmane mender Cleric Werewolf 72
a shadowmane outcast Cleric Werewolf 72
a shadowmane representative Warrior Werewolf 72
a shadowmane researcher Warrior Werewolf 73
a shadowmane sage Cleric Werewolf 72
a shadowmane shaman Shaman Werewolf 72
a shadowmane softpaw Rogue Werewolf 72
a shadowmane steelclaw Warrior Werewolf 72
a shadowmane warrior Warrior Werewolf 73
a shambling zombie Shadowknight Zombie 73
a skeletal musician Warrior Skeleton 72
a skeletal scholar Warrior Skeleton 73
a skeletal scribe Warrior Skeleton 73
a skeletal watcher Warrior Skeleton 73
a studious resident Warrior Vampire 72
a twisted statue Warrior Gargoyle 73
a twitching bonewalker Warrior Skeleton 73
a vampiric lorekeeper Warrior Vampire 72
a vampiric researcher Warrior Vampire 73
a weapon rack Weapon Rack 70
a zombie guardian Wizard Zombie 73
Gaelic the Small Warrior Werewolf 72
Irrissa the Seer Warrior Drachnid 72
Lesser Orc Chieftain Shaman Orc 73
Mr. Smotts Warrior Vampire 70
Notable Shadowmane Druid Werewolf 73
Orc Chieftain Shaman Orc 73
Shadowmane Advisor Druid Werewolf 73
Shadowmane Sage Druid Werewolf 73
Shiliskin Councilor Necromancer Shiliskin 72
Skeletal Functionary Warrior Skeleton 73
Skeletal Scribe Warrior Skeleton 73
Ur-Koraag Warrior Orc 72


  • Dreadspire Keep Bestiary List
  • Dreadspire Keep Named Mobs List
  • Dreadspire Keep Equipment List
  • Dreadspire Keep Spawn Groups
  • Dreadspire Keep Forageable items