Succor point : -725 / -425 / 7


ListName Class Race Level
Malloy the Songbird Warrior Half Elf 61
Moe Wilborn Warrior Human 50
The Seaking Warrior Boat 99
Translocator Setikan Wizard Gnome 1
Ainla Yurimar Merchant Human 50
Ardrian Zhusius Merchant Human 50
Armorer Dellin Warrior Guard 40
Artisan Vivian Selgan Warrior Human 45
a grubby rogue Rogue Halfling 40
a Horse Warrior Horse 20
a Militia Enforcer Warrior Guard 99
a prisoner Warrior Beggar 8
a Town Crier Warrior Human 60
Bait Masterson Warrior Human 25
Banor Raglesin Merchant Guard 50
Beur Tenlah GM Rogue Human 70
Branis Noolright Bard Human 20
Brek Stolrus GM Cleric Human 70
Brena Donyld GM Warrior Human 70
Brina Foxtripper GM Warrior Human 70
Bronto Thudfoot Warrior Ogre 30
Brother Jentry Cleric Guard 40
Brunar Rankin Rogue Barbarian 10
Brutol Rhaksen GM Warrior Barbarian 70
Cain Darkmoore GM Warrior Human 70
Canlan Talespinner Bard Human 15
Captain Hazran GM Warrior Guard 70
Cartographer Piri Wizard Human 60
Caskin Marsheart GM Bard Human 70
Celanie Xtoria Merchant Guard 50
Cloud Alemaker Merchant Human 50
Daria Smith Merchant Human 50
Driana Poxsbourne Necromancer Human 25
Drona Whystlethin Merchant Human 50
Ealyson Roloius Merchant Human 50
Elisi Nasin GM Rogue Human 70
Endoc Cron Warrior Human 85
Ennarn Shotius Merchant Human 50
Ennenmol Tienyius Merchant Human 50
Ennrion Striesius Merchant Human 50
Ennuard Yetaius Merchant Human 50
Eriel Skelytia Merchant Human 50
Eroncil Rellyus Merchant Human 50
Ethrrian Drowius Merchant Human 50
Ethruncil Draitia Merchant Human 50
Exterminator Larkey Warrior Human 30
Exterminator Qalantir Warrior Human 30
Eyan Rehius Merchant Human 50
Eyasie Dyrius Merchant Human 50
Eyon Swougius Merchant Human 50
Eyunon Storius Merchant Human 50
Eywen Nalous Merchant Human 50
Fabian Bard Human 25
Farihon Nastuius Merchant Human 50
Farista Eniatia Merchant Human 50
Felisity Starbright Bard Human 25
Filrion Dokius Merchant Human 50
Firrion Roweus Merchant Human 50
Flerat Merchant Dark Elf 50
Gartrog Smitehammer GM Rogue Dwarf 70
Gemcrafter Anuk Merchant Human 25
Giftaret Merchant Dark Elf 50
Giz Dinree Rogue Dark Elf 16
Gord Smith Merchant Guard 50
Gregor Nasin Merchant Guard 50
Grendig Warrior Dwarf 12
Gren Frikniller Rogue Halfling 14
Groflah Steadirt Merchant Dwarf 12
Guard Alayle Warrior Guard 9
Guard Altan Warrior Guard 50
Guard Bribbely Warrior Guard 50
Guard Chirven Warrior Guard 50
Guard Dolis Warrior Guard 50
Guard Drazden Warrior Guard 40
Guard Fikus Warrior Guard 37
Guard Fralldo Warrior Guard 35
Guard Gollus Warrior Guard 37
Guard Greedin Warrior Guard 37
Guard Hiron Warrior Guard 35
Guard Javin Warrior Guard 50
Guard Jup Warrior Guard 30
Guard Kett Warrior Guard 50
Guard Kroon Warrior Guard 40
Guard Lithnon Warrior Guard 30
Guard Ogo Warrior Guard 35
Guard Orpheen Warrior Guard 50
Guard Relok Warrior Guard 50
Guard Sarvik Warrior Guard 50
Guard Tival Warrior Guard 50
Guard Walder Warrior Guard 50
Guard Zeph Warrior Guard 50
Gunex Eklar GM Shadowknight Human 70
Gurb Smithson Merchant Guard 50
Harg Tonicka Merchant Guard 50
Harkin Duskfoot GM Rogue Dwarf 70
Heneva Jexsped GM Magician Human 70
Henna Treghost Merchant Human 50
Hundle Quatvel Merchant Guard 50
Ikthar Fireheart Merchant Guard 50
Ilanon Untitia Merchant Human 50
Ilenarn Ghaeaus Merchant Human 50
Ilrion Schaecius Merchant Human 50
Ilyon Olditia Merchant Human 50
Imxil Tbrow Warrior Dark Elf 10
Inisis Trimpet Merchant Human 50
Innkeep Hunter Merchant Guard 50
Innkeep Nasumi Merchant Human 50
Innkeep Paggie Merchant Human 50
Innkeep Rastle Merchant Guard 50
Iseba Gargurd Merchant Guard 50
Issilyn Ristan Merchant Human 50
Itzia Vunpe Merchant Human 50
Jakom Herolon Warrior Human 35
Jak Sindin Rogue Beggar 6
Jaleel Hoglomp Merchant Human 50
Jasmine Yiur Bard Human 25
Jekel Enhied Merchant Human 50
Jerra Renlock Rogue Human 30
Jheron Felkis Magician Human 50
Joffin Sinclay Warrior Human 35
Josephine Tanner Merchant Human 50
Joshua Warrior Human 5
Jyle Windshot Rogue Human 5
Jynsa Smithson Merchant Human 50
Kargek Redblade Warrior Human 50
Kellum Ghaeaus Merchant Human 50
Kif Merchant Guard 50
Klan Smith Merchant Guard 50
Knight Champion Eddard Warrior Human 80
Knight Patrol Captain Warrior Human 50
Knight Patrol Member Warrior Human 50
Konious Eranon GM Enchanter Human 70
Larn Brugal GM Warrior Human 70
Lenka Stoutheart Warrior Barbarian 35
Linadian Merchant Wood Elf 50
Lindie Rains Merchant Human 50
Lozani Wizard Gnome 30
Lunce Nasin Merchant Guard 50
Lysric Loresinger Merchant Human 50
Lythe Songbird Bard Human 65
Malalon Morotia Merchant Human 50
Malonwen Kaleius Merchant Human 50
Malon Lailius Merchant Human 50
Malusuard Blolus Merchant Human 50
Marus Kemson GM Bard Human 70
Marv Orilis GM Necromancer Human 70
Mheno Raveus GM Necromancer Human 70
Mika Fugas Merchant Human 50
Militia Patrol Captain Warrior Guard 50
Militia Patrol Member Warrior Guard 50
Miocaei Herlsas Necromancer Human 65
Monia Oakstone Warrior Human 35
Monita O`Donner Merchant Human 50
Myrissa O`Donner Merchant Human 50
Nashia Lanseb GM Bard Wood Elf 70
Nesin Tapper Merchant Guard 50
Nestral TGaza GM Rogue Dark Elf 70
Netuk Phenzon GM Shadowknight Human 70
Nexvok Thirod GM Wizard Human 70
Olunea Miltin Warrior Human 8
Opal Darkbriar GM Necromancer Dark Elf 70
Palatos Kynarn Enchanter Erudite 22
Palrion Enieus Merchant Human 50
Palunrion Shyeitia Merchant Human 50
Palusiel Drobius Merchant Human 50
peasant woman Warrior Human 20
Peku Croxe Merchant Guard 50
Pietro Zarn GM Shadowknight Human 70
Plagus Ladeson GM Warrior Human 70
Plnorrick Spinecracker Warrior Troll 30
Poison Master Telkos Warrior Human 99
Prasen Rusgor Merchant Guard 50
Priest of Discord Cleric Invisible Man 1
Priest Patrol Member Cleric Human 50
Qilonie Stosus Merchant Human 50
Quanan Mahius Merchant Human 50
Quan Nektogo Rogue Human 30
Quareran Borius Merchant Human 50
Quelolista Samautia Merchant Human 50
Queluran Keletia Merchant Human 50
Ralfson Gerositan Merchant Human 50
Raltur Caliskon GM Shadowknight Human 70
Rin Distlemor Rogue Beggar 6
River Alemaker Merchant Guard 50
Rolfic Gohar Merchant Human 50
Runthar Warrior Human 30
Sanhan Tanner Merchant Guard 50
Saxarivza Zaxun Cleric Dark Elf 40
Scar Rogue Dark Elf 18
Sermio Capret Merchant Guard 50
Sir Edwin Motte Paladin Human 33
Sir Lucan D`Lere GM Warrior Guard 48
Sir Ranlon Merchant Guard 50
Sissin Tanner Merchant Human 50
Soulbinder Grunson Warrior Human 1
Sten Harnak GM Bard Human 70
Ston O`Donner Merchant Guard 50
Sun Alemaker Merchant Human 50
Swiftfingers Rogue Gnome 15
Tagus Wunne Merchant Human 50
Talym Shoontar Warrior Barbarian 15
Tanlok Harson Merchant Guard 50
Tarker Gargurd Merchant Guard 50
Tarn Bearcrusher Warrior Human 35
Thuzin Kaver GM Necromancer Human 70
Tislan Merchant Human 50
Tlin Bowfright Warrior Wood Elf 30
Toala Nehron GM Warrior Human 70
Tohsan Hallard Merchant Guard 50
Ton Twostring Bard Human 25
Tovan Tenlah GM Rogue Half Elf 70
Toxdil Merchant Dark Elf 50
Trancil Clearpond Warrior Human 35
Trithalis Leredar Merchant Human 50
Trolon Lightleer Bard Human 15
Tyeg Envil Merchant Guard 50
Tykar Renlin Rogue Beggar 19
Umenon Clotius Merchant Human 50
Umuhyon Cilius Merchant Human 50
Valentin Fireheart Merchant Human 50
Venox Tarkog GM Cleric Human 70
Verona Rankin Rogue Human 35
Vesagar Nekio GM Cleric Human 70
Vun Winstone Warrior Human 35
Wenden Blackhammer Shadowknight Dwarf 50
Winda Lylil Merchant Human 50
Winlar Tanner Merchant Guard 50
Winoyn Merchant Human 50
Winsa Tanner Merchant Human 50
Xelha Nevagon GM Necromancer Human 70
Xon Stonehands Tribute Master Human 70
Zenita D`Rin Rogue Dark Elf 8
Zhem Xecia GM Cleric Human 70


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