Succor point : -1005 / -2140 / -308


ListName Class Race Level
Caller Groo Warrior Galorian 40
Caller Murkin Warrior Galorian 50
Caller Torgal Warrior Galorian 37
an underbulk Warrior Underbulk 47
a Bandit Lookout Warrior Shadel 51
a Chakta Fungusbeast Warrior Fungal Fiend 47
a deep cavern lotus Wizard Sunflower 48
a domestic beetle Warrior Underbulk 41
a domestic underbulk Warrior Underbulk 46
a mutant dreg Warrior Wretch 52
a Shadel Bandit Warrior Shadel 51
a Shik`nar Forager Warrior Shik\'Nar 53
a Shik`nar Hatchling Warrior Shik\'Nar 42
a Shik`nar Nurse Cleric Shik\'Nar 47
a sleeping Tarmok Warrior Galorian 39
a small mushroom Warrior Shrieker 49
a small underbulk Warrior Underbulk 46
a Tarmok Beetle Herder Warrior Galorian 39
a Tarmok Defender Warrior Galorian 39
a Tarmok Lookout Warrior Galorian 39
a Tarmok Protector Warrior Galorian 39
a Tarmok Tribesman Warrior Galorian 39
a underbulk hatchling Warrior Underbulk 41
Batin Sweery Warrior Human 52
Cen Snoworb Merchant Human 52
Ebben Quickblade Rogue Half Elf 40
Esti Elvenblood Merchant High Elf 52
Fabi Arnett Warrior Human 52
Guard Basso Warrior Barbarian 60
Guard Camil Warrior Human 60
Guard Dortof Warrior Human 60
Guard Fornar Warrior Human 52
Guard Jontroy Warrior Human 60
Guard Kartim Warrior Human 60
Guard Kirste Warrior Human 60
Guard Marmo Warrior Human 60
Guard Megnon Warrior Human 60
Guard Rento Warrior Barbarian 60
Guard Rhoy Warrior Human 60
Guard Sinda Warrior Human 60
Guard Smet Warrior Human 60
Guard Varuf Warrior Barbarian 60
Jasan Fiar Merchant Human 52
Jolly Arval Merchant Dwarf 55
Lupot Nukla Warrior Froglok 65
Martin Woelt Warrior High Elf 52
Missy McElle Rogue Barbarian 40
Narvak Smugreed Banker Erudite 52
Orlaba Warrior Ogre 52
Priest Kak`thak Cleric Shik\'Nar 55
Rebecca Cabbageleaf Merchant Halfling 52
Rictor Asmot GM Rogue Human 61
Rolktim Cogtop Rogue Gnome 40
Samfort Ruggen Merchant High Elf 54
Sartor Warrior Erudite 52
Scout Halmia Warrior Vah Shir 15
Shik`nar Herdmaster Warrior Shik\'Nar 52
Shik`nar Royal Advisor Cleric Shik\'Nar 48
Shik`nar Royal Guard Paladin Shik\'Nar 60
Shik`nar Soldier Warrior Shik\'Nar 51
Shik`nar Warrior Warrior Shik\'Nar 60
Shik`nar Worker Warrior Shik\'Nar 53
Shuddering Fungus Warrior Shrieker 60
Sir Karzad Warrior Human 52
Thar Anton Merchant Human 52
Thom the Fish Merchant Halfling 52
Thorgi Mullet Warrior Human 52
Trader Snugrut Merchant Galorian 51
Tzi`ik Underbulk Warrior Underbulk 50
Warlord Tk`kik`tthik Paladin Shik\'Nar 62


  • The Fungus Grove Bestiary List
  • The Fungus Grove Named Mobs List
  • The Fungus Grove Equipment List
  • The Fungus Grove Spawn Groups
  • The Fungus Grove Forageable items