Succor point : 0 / 0 / 0


ListName Class Race Level
Bidip Moktu Warrior Froglok 70
an anguished Darta soldier Warrior Froglok 67
an injured Guktan Warrior Froglok 67
an unsanctified Korta priest Cleric Froglok 67
a bleary Dar shaper Warrior Froglok 67
a blighted Jin master Wizard Froglok 67
a cackling Dar assassin Rogue Skeleton 67
a cursed burrower Warrior Insect 67
a cursed convoker Wizard Insect 67
a cursed Korta researcher Warrior Froglok 67
a cursed recluse Warrior Goo 67
a cursed spectral shaper Enchanter Froglok 67
a dazzling oculus Warrior Evil Eye 67
a decaying Yunta witchdoctor Shaman Froglok 67
a doomed Yunta witchdoctor Shaman Froglok 67
a forlorn Darta soldier Warrior Froglok Ghost 67
a ghoulish Dar warrior Warrior Froglok 67
a miserable Jinta phantasm Wizard Froglok 67
a moldy chest Chest 67
a reanimated minion Warrior Froglok Skeleton 67
a reanimated Shinta champion Warrior Froglok Skeleton 67
a rotting barrel Warrior Barrel 67
a Witness of Hate assassin Rogue Froglok 67
a Witness of Hate bonecollector Necromancer Froglok 67
a Witness of Hate knave Rogue Froglok 67
a Witness of Hate myrmidon Warrior Froglok 67
a Witness of Hate seer Warrior Evil Eye 67
a Witness of Hate soulreaper Shadowknight Froglok Skeleton 67
Evoker of Gukta Wizard Froglok 67
Healer of Gukta Cleric Froglok 67
Knight of Gukta Shadowknight Froglok 67
Prophet of Gukta Shaman Froglok 67
Warrior of Gukta Warrior Froglok 67


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