The Plane of Hate (hateplaneb)

Succor point : -393 / 656 / 3


ListName Class Race Level
an eerie chest Warrior Mimic 55
Arcanist V`Gimis Wizard Arcanist of Hate 65
Archon G`Uvin Cleric Knight of Hate 65
Arch Lich T`Vaxok Necromancer Arcanist of Hate 65
Ashenbone Broodmaster Necromancer Dragon 60
Assassin Z`Jrix Rogue Knight of Hate 61
Avatar of Abhorrence Rogue Gargoyle 55
a hideous rat Warrior Rat 60
Coercer T`vala Enchanter Vampire 56
Dreadlord M`Noxin Warrior Knight of Hate 65
Dread Knight T`Kamax Warrior Knight of Hate 63
Evangelist W`Rixxus Cleric Knight of Hate 61
Grandmaster H`Qilm Monk Zombie 63
Grandmaster R`Tal Monk Zombie 60
Grim Abhorrent Kaltik Rogue Gargoyle 63
Hand of the Maestro Warrior Reanimated Hand 58
Innoruuk Warrior Innoruuk 70
Lord of Fury Warrior Ghoul 63
Lord of Ire Shadowknight Ghoul 55
Lord of Loathing Wizard Spectre 60
Maestro of Rancor Warrior Vampire 75
Magi P`Tasa Magician Vampire 56
Master D`Samni Wizard Spectre 63
Master of Spite Shaman Golem 58
Master of Vengence Shaman Golem 60
Mistress A`Zara Enchanter Vampire 60
Mistress of Malevolence Warrior Zombie 60
Mistress of Scorn Warrior Zombie 55
Overlord R`Gahbsa Warrior Knight of Hate 65
Sorcerer C`Gazin Wizard Arcanist of Hate 63
Spy Master I`Kavin Rogue Knight of Hate 65
Templar J`Rosix Cleric Dark Elf 63
The Deathrot Knight Shadowknight Dark Elf 65
Vicar M`Kari Cleric Dark Elf 60
Warlock J`Rath Necromancer Arcanist of Hate 63
Warlord E`Prosio Warrior Knight of Hate 63
an abhorrent Rogue Gargoyle 51
an agent of hate Rogue Knight of Hate 62
an ashenbone drake Necromancer Dragon 55
an assassin of hate Rogue Knight of Hate 64
an ire ghast Warrior Ghoul 54
a champion of hate Warrior Knight of Hate 61
a cleric of hate Cleric Dark Elf 55
a forlorn revenant Enchanter Vampire 57
a forsaken revenant Magician Vampire 55
a frightful chest Warrior Mimic 60
a fury ghast Warrior Ghoul 60
a gravelord of hate Warrior Knight of Hate 64
a greater kiraikuei Monk Zombie 57
a grim abhorrent Rogue Gargoyle 58
a grotesque rat Warrior Rat 63
a hatebone broodlord Necromancer Dragon 60
a hatebone drake Necromancer Dragon 60
a haunted chest Warrior Mimic 54
a heretic of hate Necromancer Arcanist of Hate 61
a high priest of hate Cleric Knight of Hate 63
a kiraikuei Monk Zombie 54
a knight of hate Warrior Knight of Hate 62
a loathing lich Wizard Spectre 52
a malevolent banshee Warrior Zombie 58
a phantom chest Warrior Mimic 57
a repulsive rat Warrior Rat 53
a sage of hate Wizard Arcanist of Hate 61
a scorn banshee Warrior Zombie 52
a sinister lich Wizard Spectre 57
a sorcerer of hate Wizard Arcanist of Hate 63
a spite golem Shaman Golem 51
a templar of hate Cleric Knight of Hate 62
a vengeance golem Shaman Golem 58
a vicar of hate Cleric Dark Elf 58
a vile rat Warrior Rat 56
a warlock of hate Necromancer Arcanist of Hate 63
a warlord of hate Warrior Knight of Hate 63
Corrupter of Life Wizard Spectre 60
thought destroyer Bard Zombie 55


  • The Plane of Hate Bestiary List
  • The Plane of Hate Named Mobs List
  • The Plane of Hate Equipment List
  • The Plane of Hate Spawn Groups
  • The Plane of Hate Forageable items