Succor point : -3698 / -1289 / 722


ListName Class Race Level
Aendor Mistvale Ranger Wood Elf 80
Aendurel Tethandras Cleric High Elf 80
Dannie Highwind Druid Wood Elf 80
Dwinn Axeheaver Warrior Dwarf 80
Foreman Faende`s corpse Warrior High Elf 75
Fortunisa Nighthunter Paladin High Elf 80
Gifilnos Brightfire`s corpse Warrior Wood Elf 75
High Shaman Nivag Shaman Orc 83
Kassailla Flameleaf Warrior High Elf 80
Lieutenant Kulthar Shadowknight Werewolf 78
Malforus, Lord of the Imps Warrior Girplan 82
Miggletik Biggerton Paladin Dwarf 80
Oracle of the Three Oaks Warrior Fairy 80
Orrel the Blood Mystic Shaman Orc 78
Patron of the Arts Wizard High Elf 80
Remains of Averaana Shadowknight Skeleton 78
Remains of Fendarma Shadowknight Skeleton 78
Shade of Darniel Highwind Shadowknight Shade 78
Tawln Lightbanes corpse Warrior Wood Elf 75
The Golden Maiden Warrior Boat 99
Tissidrelle Windracer Enchanter High Elf 80
Valarine Windwalkers corpse Warrior Wood Elf 75
Vendarg Brittlebrew Warrior Dwarf 80
Vrald Rogue Dwarf 78
Wendia Mistwalker`s corpse Warrior Wood Elf 75
Wirlem Warrior Shade 90
an unruly nightmare Shadowknight Nightmare/Unicorn 77
a Bloodmoon acolyte Shaman Wereorc 80
a Bloodmoon assassin Rogue Orc 78
a Bloodmoon brawler Warrior Orc 78
a Bloodmoon kidnapper Warrior Orc 78
a Bloodmoon mystic Shaman Orc 80
a Bloodmoon necromancer Necromancer Orc 77
a Bloodmoon rogue Rogue Orc 75
a Bloodmoon shaman Shaman Orc 75
a Bloodmoon warlock Necromancer Orc 77
a Bloodmoon warrior Warrior Orc 75
a bottomfeeding imp Ranger Girplan 77
a cursed remnant Warrior Skeleton 78
a cursed treant Ranger Treant 75
a Drangol miner Warrior Goblin 77
a Drangol sifter Warrior Goblin 77
a Drangol warrior Warrior Goblin 76
a Drangol worker Warrior Goblin 77
a fallen Bloodmoon Warrior Orc 76
a Firstlight refugee Warrior Dwarf 78
a loping plains grizzly Warrior Bear 75
a loping plains zombie Warrior Zombie 75
a lost soul Warrior Shade 80
a minotaur excavator Rogue Minotaur 77
a minotaur miner Warrior Minotaur 75
a Mistwynd citizen Rogue Human Ghost 75
a Nightwalker bandit Rogue Goblin 75
a Nightwalker mystic Shaman Goblin 77
a Nightwalker sentry Warrior Goblin 75
a Nightwalker warrior Warrior Goblin 75
a plague-ridden Nightwalker Warrior Goblin 76
a rabid worg Warrior Worg 77
a rampaging nightmare Warrior Nightmare/Unicorn 75
a resting Bloodmoon orc Warrior Orc 77
a restless alligator Warrior Crocodile 78
a shadowmane beastlord Beastlord Werewolf 79
a shadowmane brawler Warrior Werewolf 79
a shadowmane bruiser Berserker Werewolf 77
a shadowmane mystic Shaman Werewolf 79
a shadowmane shaman Shaman Werewolf 75
a shadowmane tamer Beastlord Werewolf 76
a shadowmane warlock Berserker Werewolf 77
a shadowmane warrior Warrior Werewolf 77
a skeleton cleric Cleric Skeleton 79
a skeleton warrior Warrior Skeleton 77
a skeleton wizard Wizard Skeleton 77
a sleeping Bloodmoon orc Warrior Orc 76
a small pond hopper Ranger Poison Frog 74
a snoring Bloodmoon orc Warrior Orc 77
a vampiric healer Cleric Vampire 77
a vampiric necromancer Necromancer Vampire 78
a vampiric reaver Shadowknight Vampire 77
a vicious worg Warrior Worg 78
Babeliyna Warrior Human 80
Brett of the Watch Merchant Human 80
Derak Fangbreaker Merchant Human 80
Donart Rithkin Warrior Human 85
Eliowil Warrior High Elf 80
Fadnare Warrior Human 80
Junwin Warrior Human 80
Kadara Fangbreaker Rogue Human 85
Kedem Teague Merchant Human 80
Larquin Fangbreaker Warrior Human 85
Leneaon Cloudsong Merchant Wood Elf 75
Maria Starforge Cleric High Elf 85
Mengryl Warrior High Elf 80
Miles Baldwin Warrior Gnome 60
Ryveron Warrior Human 78
Tyrinam Warrior Human 80
Wegar`s Corpse Warrior Dwarf 72


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  • Loping Plains Forageable items