Succor point : -424 / -108 / 2


ListName Class Race Level
Scion Assassin Rogue Vampire 20
Scion Extremist Warrior Vampire 20
Scion Harlot Warrior Vampire 20
Trueborn Shadowmaster Rogue Vampire 20
a bitten victim Warrior Half Elf 9
a dark chest Chest 19
a dark coffin Coffin 19
a deathcrawler Warrior Arachnid 20
a dusty barrel Barrel 20
a dusty box Box 18
a rawbone Warrior Skeleton 20
a Scion blood agent Warrior Dervish 18
a Scion caretaker Cleric Vampire 13
a Scion crypt creeper Warrior Mummy 18
a Scion cyst maker Necromancer Pusling 20
a Scion darkcrawler Rogue Nightmare Gargoyle 19
a Scion deathknave Rogue Vampire 18
a Scion debaucher Enchanter Vampire 18
a Scion enticer Cleric Vampire 19
a Scion gorefeeder Warrior Pusling 20
a Scion grave scourer Warrior Nightmare Gargoyle 20
a Scion nightwatcher Cleric Vampire 20
a Scion rites chanter Cleric Vampire 18
a Scion shadekeeper Warrior Shade 18
a Scion shadowscout Warrior Shade 19
a Scion shadow agent Rogue Vampire 18
a Scion soul assaulter Warrior Will-O-Wisp 19
a Trueborn assassin Rogue Vampire 19
a Trueborn bloodknave Warrior Vampire 63
a Trueborn bloodprowler Warrior Vampire 20
a Trueborn bonemincer Cleric Gargoyle 67
a Trueborn conniver Rogue Vampire 64
a Trueborn converter Wizard Vampire 20
a Trueborn creeper Rogue Vampire 20
a Trueborn cryptrobber Warrior Werewolf 18
a Trueborn crypt creeper Warrior Mummy 66
a Trueborn cyst creator Necromancer Pusling 65
a Trueborn deathknave Rogue Vampire 20
a Trueborn deathmarker Shadowknight Vampire 19
a Trueborn embalmer Necromancer Mummy 19
a Trueborn enticer Cleric Vampire 67
a Trueborn evangelist Wizard Vampire 63
a Trueborn exemplar Warrior Vampire 20
a Trueborn fleshmincer Cleric Nightmare Gargoyle 19
a Trueborn flesh reanimator Necromancer Vampire 14
a Trueborn idealist Warrior Vampire 20
a Trueborn narcissist Warrior Vampire 18
a Trueborn nightcreeper Rogue Gargoyle 67
a Trueborn night agent Warrior Shade 63
a Trueborn ritualcaller Necromancer Vampire 20
a Trueborn sage Wizard Vampire 64
a Trueborn sentinel Warrior Gargoyle 67
a Trueborn shadeknave Rogue Vampire 64
a Trueborn shadow vanguard Rogue Vampire 19
a Trueborn soul gnasher Shadowknight Shade 18
a Trueborn soul leech Shadowknight Will-O-Wisp 18
a Trueborn spirit devourer Necromancer Will-O-Wisp 18
a Trueborn tomb thief Warrior Pusling 64
a Trueborn vanguard Rogue Vampire 20
Guardian of Kel`Novar Warrior Gargoyle 71
Valdoon Kel`Novar Warrior Vampire 72
Valdoon Kel`Novar Warrior Vampire 72


  • Mistmoore's Catacombs: Struggles within the Progeny Bestiary List
  • Mistmoore's Catacombs: Struggles within the Progeny Named Mobs List
  • Mistmoore's Catacombs: Struggles within the Progeny Equipment List
  • Mistmoore's Catacombs: Struggles within the Progeny Spawn Groups
  • Mistmoore's Catacombs: Struggles within the Progeny Forageable items