Succor point : -184 / 399 / -12


ListName Class Race Level
Grortrakien the Mutilator Shadowknight Mummy 70
Halusant the Nightblood Shadowknight Werewolf 70
Scion Flesh Patcher Cleric Vampire 20
Sfisithik the Light Devourer Shadowknight Shade 70
Trueborn Bloodgiver Cleric Vampire 20
a bitten victim Warrior Half Elf 9
a creaking crate Warrior Box 10
a dark coffin Coffin 17
a dusty box Box 17
a rawbone Warrior Skeleton 65
a sacrificing Scion Necromancer Vampire 67
a Scion bloodprowler Warrior Vampire 66
a Scion blood agent Warrior Dervish 19
a Scion cryptrobber Warrior Werewolf 65
a Scion crypt creeper Warrior Mummy 20
a Scion cyst maker Necromancer Pusling 67
a Scion darkcrawler Rogue Gargoyle 64
a Scion deathknave Rogue Vampire 18
a Scion deathmarker Shadowknight Vampire 66
a Scion death agent Rogue Vampire 64
a Scion debauchee Enchanter Vampire 19
a Scion debaucher Enchanter Vampire 66
a Scion embalmer Necromancer Mummy 67
a Scion enticer Cleric Vampire 63
a Scion exemplar Warrior Vampire 67
a Scion gorefeeder Warrior Pusling 66
a Scion grave scourer Warrior Gargoyle 63
a Scion idealist Warrior Vampire 64
a Scion rites chanter Cleric Vampire 19
a Scion rites performer Necromancer Vampire 67
a Scion sage Wizard Vampire 67
a Scion shadekeeper Warrior Shade 19
a Scion shadewatcher Warrior Shade 64
a Scion shadowscout Warrior Shade 20
a Scion shadow agent Rogue Vampire 18
a Scion shadow vanguard Rogue Vampire 66
a Scion spiritburner Wizard Vampire 63
a Scion vanguard Rogue Vampire 67
a Trueborn assassin Rogue Vampire 20
a Trueborn bloodknave Warrior Vampire 64
a Trueborn bloodprowler Warrior Vampire 18
a Trueborn converter Wizard Vampire 18
a Trueborn cryptrobber Warrior Werewolf 18
a Trueborn deathknave Rogue Vampire 19
a Trueborn deathmarker Shadowknight Vampire 20
a Trueborn embalmer Necromancer Mummy 20
a Trueborn exemplar Warrior Vampire 20
a Trueborn flesh reanimator Necromancer Vampire 18
a Trueborn idealist Warrior Vampire 18
a Trueborn narcissist Warrior Vampire 18
a Trueborn ritualcaller Necromancer Vampire 18
a Trueborn sage Wizard Vampire 20
a Trueborn shadow vanguard Rogue Vampire 18
a Trueborn soul gnasher Shadowknight Shade 20
Elite Scion Guardian Warrior Vampire 71
Scion Mummy Summoner Necromancer Vampire 69
Scion Shadow Summoner Necromancer Vampire 69
Scion Werewolf Summoner Wizard Vampire 69


  • Mistmoore's Catacombs: Scion Lair of Fury Bestiary List
  • Mistmoore's Catacombs: Scion Lair of Fury Named Mobs List
  • Mistmoore's Catacombs: Scion Lair of Fury Equipment List
  • Mistmoore's Catacombs: Scion Lair of Fury Spawn Groups
  • Mistmoore's Catacombs: Scion Lair of Fury Forageable items