Succor point : -1750 / -1245 / -56


ListName Class Race Level
Aramin the Spider Guardian Warrior Arachnid 68
Grummus Warrior Diseased Fiend 70
Gryme the Crypt Guardian Warrior Diseased Fiend 66
Malinan Grobbsby Warrior Lepertoloth 60
Melferious Ronn Warrior Lepertoloth 60
Odaen Wizard Dark Elf 70
Rallius Rattican Warrior Bubonian 61
Warrior Teleport Man 74
an arachling Warrior Arachnid 51
an arachnae bumbler Warrior Arachnid 55
an arachnae crawler Necromancer Arachnid 52
an arachnae defiler Shadowknight Arachnid 56
an arachnae parian Warrior Arachnid 56
an arachnae terranis Cleric Arachnid 54
An Underbulk Crawler Warrior Underbulk 56
An Underbulk Defiler Shadowknight Underbulk 57
a bubonian defiler Shadowknight Bubonian Underling 58
a bubonian relak Shadowknight Bubonian Underling 56
a bubonian underling Warrior Bubonian Underling 53
a corrupted pusling Necromancer Pusling 53
a deathbone magus Magician Lepertoloth 57
a diseased bubonian Necromancer Bubonian Underling 54
A Diseased Lightcrawler Warrior Lightcrawler 57
a diseased malarian Necromancer Malarian 58
a diseased rat Warrior Rat 51
A Diseased Underbulk Warrior Underbulk 56
a feeble rat Warrior Rat 52
a festering pile of goo Warrior Goo 51
a firebone caster Wizard Lepertoloth 59
a foul pusling Warrior Pusling 52
a generian fly Warrior Fly 52
a generian larva Warrior Worm 54
a harrion larva Warrior Worm 56
A Legendary Abomination Warrior Diseased Fiend 72
A Lightcrawler Defiler Shadowknight Lightcrawler 56
A Lightcrawler Pest Warrior Lightcrawler 56
a malarian crysalis Warrior Malarian 59
a malarian defiler Shadowknight Malarian 53
a malarian gall Rogue Malarian 58
a malarian larva Warrior Worm 50
a malarian larvae Warrior Worm 49
a malarian pest Warrior Malarian 54
a pestilence priest Cleric Lepertoloth 60
a pestilence pusling Shadowknight Pusling 55
a pestilent rat Warrior Rat 53
a pile of bile Warrior Goo 49
a pile of swamp bile Warrior Goo 56
a planarian larva Warrior Worm 52
a planarian larvae Warrior Worm 52
a pusling memnoc Warrior Pusling 55
a putrid pile of flesh Warrior Goo 56
a rotting pile of flesh Warrior Goo 50
a scaevian fly Warrior Fly 52
a scaevian larva Warrior Worm 55
a sengian larva Warrior Worm 55
a swamp rat Warrior Rat 52
a tachnian caterpillar Warrior Worm 54
a tachnian fly Warrior Fly 50
a tsetsian fly Warrior Fly 47
a tsetsian pupa Warrior Worm 51
a tsetsian pupal Warrior Worm 51
a vetri fly Warrior Fly 51
a wretched pusling Warrior Pusling 55
Grimror Plaguebringer Warrior Ogre 60
Guardian Knight of Pestilence Shadowknight Knight of Pestilence 60
Guardian of Pestilence Warrior Lepertoloth 61
Guardian of the Crypt Warrior Lepertoloth 60
Knight of Pestilence Shadowknight Knight of Pestilence 60
Rankle Warrior Goo 56
Resnak Shadowknight Bubonian Underling 57
Rythrak Necromancer Bubonian Underling 58


  • The Plane of Disease Bestiary List
  • The Plane of Disease Named Mobs List
  • The Plane of Disease Equipment List
  • The Plane of Disease Spawn Groups
  • The Plane of Disease Forageable items